Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Professor Paul Dixon from Birbeck College, University of London in England, for a class on “Dynamics of military intervention in the post-Cold war era"

Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Professor Charles DEVELLENNES from the University of Kent in England, for a class on “Atheism, securalism and toleration"

Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Professor Xavier Landes from Stockholm School of Economics in Riga for a class on “The Economics and Politics of Happiness"


Xavier Landes is assistant professor at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga. After studying economics, political science and philosophy, Landes got his Ph.D. in philosophy from Université de Montréal in 2008.

Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Professor Guy Spielmann from Georgetown University for a class on “Politics as Spectacle from Alcibiades to Volodymyr Zelenskiy”.

Guy Spielman’s major area of scholarship covers performing arts in the Early Modern Era, with a particular focus on stagecraft, fairground theater and commedia dell'arte.

Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Professor Laura Carter from the University of Cambridge for a class on “A social and cultural history of Britain, 1945-1979"






Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Professor David PARKER from Aston University for a class on “Introduction to Inernational Security”.




Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Professor Madjid VAHID from the University of Teheran for a class on “Orientations de la Politique iranienne à partir de mai 2017”.




Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Professor Laura SOUTHGATE  from Aston University for a class on “Introduction to International Security”.




Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome ANTONIO DEL SOLE for a class on The European Union Institutions and the law-making process.



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