At Sciences Po Lille we are proud to underline Internationalization is more than a simple posture or a pose. We work hard to be able to propose to our students, staff and partners a comprehensive approach of internationalization.
International Mobilities
(incoming and outgoing)
and international partnerships
Naturally the most visible dimension of Sciences Po Lille’s international accomplishments is the mandatory 3rd year abroad. With 100% of our students having to experiment a minimum of one semester of exchange (approximately 55% of them are doing so through the Erasmus + program) it remains a significant part of our international activities. Thus students, professors and staffs’ motilities are at the crossroads of our international ambitions. Having students and professors being subject to the different academic cultures and specificities of our around 100 Erasmus + partners forces us to permanently try to find relevant and efficient practices. Erasmus + allows us to learn a lot from our partners. Sharing practices and experiences is certainly one a the greatest aspect of the Erasmus program.
We constantly strive to reinforce our international standing by strengthening our current Erasmus + cooperation, by developing new Erasmus + partnerships , working with our international partners to expand our selection of dual Master’s degree programs, and welcoming a greater number international students.
Expanding the English and Spanish taught courses
Internationalization is also present “at home”. Having the ambition to welcome more and more international exchange students conducts us to develop courses’ catalogues always more divers, with always more English and Spanish taught courses so that language skills is not an obstacle for our incoming students.
Erasmus agreements are a great opportunity for us to propose original courses taught by visiting professors. This helps us to increase the number of English and Spanish taught courses.
Focusing on quality
Because of its mandatory dimension we pay a real attention to the quality of the various Erasmus mobilities we are in charge of. The International Office conducts surveys at the end of each semester with the incoming students to collect their feedbacks about the integration at Sciences Po Lille and more generally in Lille and France. On the other hand our outgoing students are asked to participate to a survey when they are back from mobility to help us to present the partnerships and to promote our agreements among the students who are about to select the mobility’s destination.
Both surveys are used to improve the quality of our Erasmus + program’s management aiming to react to any kind of evolutions or information permitting students, professors and staffs to enjoy their time in exchange.
Our missions
Every year, Sciences Po invites a large number of international professors to teach in their different sectors. By mobilizing prestigious research-professors within its network of international partners and beyond, Sciences Po Lille enables its students to discover other themes through unique methodological approaches. The contribution of these visiting professors at all levels of the curriculum provides students with an « internalization in one’s own home ».

Students follow an educational program for five years: the first cycle (3 years), is pluridisciplinary and non-specialised. This is then followed by the master cycle (2 years), career orientated. The third year – the year of international mobility – is fundamental and is the heart of the curriculum.
This year of international mobility can take two forms: an academic curriculum (in one of our 210 partner universities) or as an internship in an international context (French representations, multinational or in a non-governmental organisation). This year is a turning point for mobility in the middle of the course and enables students to improve their language skills, to become enlightened by another culture and refine their orientation in the perspective of the master cycle.
With its advantageous geographical location, Sciences Po Lille developed early on, a policy for openness to the international world with the establishment of four double degrees.
These partnerships are with three European universities:
- The University of Canterbury (Kent, Great Britain)
- The University of Munster (Germany)
- The University of Salamanca (Spain)
- The University of Rome, La Sapienza (Italy)
Students that follow this pathway spend two years in a different university environment and benefit from an advanced level of educational learning in conjunction with the education they receive at Sciences Po Lille. At the end of their program, students receive both a diploma from Sciences Po Lille and from the partner university.
-Dual Master with Aston U (UK) “Europe and the World”
-Dual Master with Szeged (Hungary) “European Studies - Central and Eastern Europe”
-Dual Master with SAIS Johns Hopkin U, Bologna Center
-Dual Master with Tel Aviv University
The Sciences Po Lille Summer School is a unique opportunity for international students to discover new horizons and to greaten their personal and university projects.
The themes of the programmes and courses (taught entirely in English) are redefined each year to be most relevant to current international questions (politics, international relations, European affairs and economics). The classes are composed of little groups which is ideal for creating a dynamic approach based on international methodology.