Besides courses (which are quite naturally the center of the students’ activities) Sciences Po Lille offers an active, exciting and enriching life through conferences, student organizations, sports etc…
Academic calendar
The academic year at Sciences Po Lille is divided into 2 semesters:
- 1st semester (fall semester) starts in early September to late December
- 2nd semester (spring semester) starts in early January to late May
Students’ organizations
A multitude of organizations has been created over the years in response to our students’ever-changing centers of interest. Sciences Po Lille currently has more than 25 athletic,political, artistic and environmental organizations.
‘To feed and refuel’
You came to France with the intentions of experimenting and enjoying the marvelous French cuisine…however your student’s budget will probably lead you to discover the opportunities proposed by the Lunch Room and the CROUS.
It is opened from Monday until Friday, from 10.30am until 3.00pm (ground floor).
3,30 € for a meal at the RU (Restaurant Universitaire/University Meals), payments are possible with the multiservice card that you will receive at the beginning of your mobility. You can charge your card by visiting the Izly website.
• University Restaurant Châtillon, 24 rue Gauthier de Châtillon
République Beaux Arts underground station
Open from 11.30am until 1.45pm
• University Restaurant Lille Moulins, Place Déliot
Porte de Douai underground station
Open from 11.15am until 1.45pm
• Brasserie La Basoche, rue Fontenoy
Porte de Douai underground station
Open from 7.30am until 3.30pm (until 3.00pm on Wednesday)
Exchange students cannot get ECTS (credits) for sports but you can naturally enjoy a range of sports and opportunities. For more information on the available activities and how to register, make sure to contact the Students Sports Office.

Our modern library is located just in front of the main entrance of the institute. In this welcoming place, you will have access to recently edited books, newspapers and magazines. Our library aims to diversify the contents and the kinds of documents proposed to students and professors in order to improve creativity and thinking.
The staff is always opened to enrich and vary its catalogue.
Our library is a melting pot of diversity, experience, innovation and conviviality, and is a major spot in Lille’s cultural life.