Nadja Douglas is a political scientist and researcher at ZOiS, currently coordinating the KonKoop thematic line “In:Security in Eastern Europe”. She holds a Master's degree in International Relations from Sciences Po Paris and a PhD from Humboldt University Berlin. Her doctoral thesis dealt with civil-military relations in the Russian Federation (published in 2017 by Palgrave Macmillan). She previously worked for the German Bundestag, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and as a Liaison Officer for the OSCE Mission to Moldova.

Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Dr. Uwe Wunderlich for a class on “IR Theories: Conflict and Cooperation in East Asia”.
Uwe Wunderlich is a lecturer in International Relations at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities at Aston University in Birmingham, UK.

Kevin Hockmuth is an associate professor of political science and Korean studies in the Global Studies program at Akita International University in Akita, Japan. He teaches courses related to politics, political economy, and development as well as modern Korean politics and society. His research focuses on the intersection of industrial modernity as a set of global processes and the ways they have been formulated, implemented, and contested within Korean society.

Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Alessandro Guerra for a class on “Modernità e rivoluzioni”, which will be taught from January 15th to January 25th!

The Welcome Meeting for International Students took place this morning in Amphi C.
Thank you for all the students who attended the meeting!

Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Professor Ousmane ZINA from the Université Alassane Ouattara (Bouaké) from January 9th 2024 to teach the class Le Métier de l'Elu Local!

Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Oscar Berglund for a class on “Critical Political Economy Perspectives of Climate Change”, which will be taught from December 11th!
Dr Oscar Berglund is Senior Lecturer in International Public and Social Policy at the University of Bristol. He is a Critical Political Economist with a focus on climate change activism. Oscar is particularly interested in civil disobedience and direct action, as well as

Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Xavier Landes for a class on “Current Issues and Further Questions: Philosophy and Society”, which will be taught from December 4th!