Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Professor Alida Maria Silletti, coming from the Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro to teach her class Le genre et l'inclusion dans la langue française en débat.

Dr. Dennis Coyle is Associate Professor and former Chair of the Department of Politics at the Catholic University of America, and a fellow with the Institute for Human Ecology. He received his PhD and MA degrees from the University of California, Berkeley, and his BA from the University of Connecticut.

Dr. Louis Alexandre Berg is Associate Professor of Political Science at Georgia State University. His research examines the effects of foreign aid and international security assistance on peace, security, and human rights. His recent work has examined the role of security forces – military and police – in fueling or preventing armed conflict and organized crime.

On February 15th, we had the first Just Listen session for the Spring Semester. Thanks to all students who participated and see you on Thursdays every two weeks!

Starting yesterday, Just Chat sessions have been taking place at Sciences Po Lille on Thursdays every two weeks! During this time, students can have casual conversations in different languages in order to improve their skills.

See you there!

Charles Devellennes is senior lecturer in political and social thought at the University of Kent. He works on the history of political thought and political theory, as well as contemporary French political and society. He has written three books, on Positive Atheism, The Gilets Jaunes and the New Social Contract, and the Macron Regime, which straddle his research interests. He is particular interested in the interplay between political thought and political movements, the use of political ideas in social movements, and notions of contemporary democracy.

Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Professor Julia Csergo, coming from the Université du Québec à Montréal to teach her class Patrimoines Immatériels Alimentaires from 19th February 2024 to 23rd February 2024.

Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Juan Negri Malbran, visiting professor from Universidad Torcuato di Tella to teach his class Contemporary International Affairs: Africa, Europe, Asia and Middle East from January 30th to February 6th.

Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Nathaniel Copsey, visiting professor from Aston University to teach his class UK and the UE (post Brexit) from January 29th to February 2nd.

Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Pr. Gabriel Levita coming from the Universidad del Salvador for his class "Latin America in Turmoil: New Challenges in the XXI Century". He will be teaching his class from January 23rd.


Breaking news

  • Summer School Registration is open!
  • Enjoy your holidays!
  • Happy autumn break!
  • “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” Aristote

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