Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Dr. Elise Féron for a class on “Tools for Conflict Analysis”.

Dr. Elise Féron is researcher at the Tampere Peace Research Centre in Finland. Her research interests go from Diasporas and Conflicts, Gender-Based Violence in Conflict Zones, Gender and Peace Negotiations, Interstate Post-Colonial Relations, The Great Lakes Region of Africa, to Northern Ireland.

Dear students,

On September 24th and 25th, the European Parliament is launching the online Multilingualism Day. 

Dear students,

It was a pleasure seeing you all during last Thrusday's meeting! 

Welcome to all international students!

Dear students,

Dear students,

Before Sciences Po Lille closes its door for the summer break and as the global sanitary situation is constantly evolving, we recommend you to regularly check on Campus France’s website for the latest news regarding travels to France.

For more specific information on vaccination, please make sure to have a look at this link.

Dear students,

In order for you to schedule your mobility at Sciences Po Lille and know when to expect such wonderful things as academic breaks and exams, please find our 2021-2022 Calendar!

As of June 2021, new procedures have been put in place for students before entering France. Countries are now organized in three different groups (Green, Orange and Red), each group having a different procedure.

Dear students, dear partners, dear friends,

In such a specific context, the International relation office wishes all students, our internationally mobile students and international students, and colleagues a happy Christmas break and a successful start to the New Year 2021.

We hope that all positive things that happened during your mobility no matter where you are will continue in the coming year and will become remarkable achievements and convincing victories!


Breaking news

  • Summer School Registration is open!
  • Enjoy your holidays!
  • Happy autumn break!
  • “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” Aristote

The world is our Campus

Discover our International Partners all over the World.

The world is our Campus

Discover our International Partners all over the World.

Summer School