Dual degree programs
Early on, Sciences Po Lille decided to capitalize on its prime geographic location to develop its international relations. Since 1999, three dual degree programs have been established in partnership with three European universities.
-Franco-British dual degree with the University of Kent, Canterbury (Great Britain). Download the brochure
Every year, Sciences Po Lille offers between 10 and 20 places (this number may vary according to available places) for each dual degree program. Students who hold a French Baccalauréat or its equivalent can submit their application through our website and the national platform Parcoursup, this year the application deadline started from 17th January to 14th march 2024.
The selection process consists in two stages; in the first stage candidates will pass three different tests (language, contemporary issues and history) for the second stage there is a language test in front of a panel of judges in order to evaluate the language level and candidate’s knowledge about German, British, Italian or Spanish history and culture.
The students admitted to these programs spend two years abroad (either at the University of Kent / University of Munster / University of La Sapienza in Roma / University of Salamanca) experiencing a different academic environment and following a rigorous curriculum that is perfectly coordinated with the Sciences Po Lille program.
Upon graduation, these students receive a degree from the partner university (Bachelor and/or Masters) in addition to their Sciences Po Lille diploma.
If you are interested in applying to this program, please visit our French website "Admission" and for any further queries contact Juliane Laporte : juliane.laporte@sciencespo-lille.eu
Applicants whose high school leaving qualification is not the French Baccalauréat, must submit their application to the partner University.
For more details about the University of Münster:
For further information about University of Kent:
For further information about University of La Sapienza in Roma:
For further information about University of Salamanca: