Sciences Po Lille is happy to welcome Professor Dennis Coyle, from March 26th until March 31st 2018, for the course “Foundation of liberal democracies”.
Dr. Dennis Coyle is an Associate Professor and the Department Chair in The Department of Politics at the Catholic University of America. Among Dr. Coyle's teaching and research interests are topics such as: liberal constitutionalism, property rights and regulation, social science theory, and generally the interplay of institutions, culture, and values in law, policy, and administration.
Dr. Dennis Coyle is the author of Property Rights and the Constitution, and co-editor of Politics, Policy, and Culture. His articles have appeared in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Catholic University Law Review, and The Public Interest. Among other honors, he has been a visiting scholar at the Social Philosophy and Policy Center, and a Cassidy Fellow of the Institute for Humane Studies.