Dr. Louis Alexandre Berg is Associate Professor of Political Science at Georgia State University. His research examines the effects of foreign aid and international security assistance on peace, security, and human rights. His recent work has examined the role of security forces – military and police – in fueling or preventing armed conflict and organized crime. He is the author of Governing Security After War: The Politics of Institutiona l Change in the Security Sector (Oxford University Press, 2022), which examines international efforts to restructure police and military forces after civil war. He has conducted field research in several countries, including in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Timor-Leste, Honduras, Haiti, and Colombia. He has also served as an expert adviser to government and international organizations including The World Bank, the U.S. State Department, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and the United Nations, focusing on evidence-based approaches to addressing security and justice challenges. He has been a Research Fellow at the U.S. Institute of Peace and at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. Dr. Berg holds a PhD in Government from Georgetown University, a Masters from Princeton University, and a BA from Brown University. He is fluent in French and Spanish.