American election evening

American election evening

Sciences Po Lille is organizing an American evening on the occasion of the presidential elections on Tuesday November 5, starting at 7pm.
Detailed program:
Alice Béja, lecturer at Sciences Po Lille, researcher at CERAPS
« Les élections du 5/11, un tournant pour la démocratie américaine ? »
 (“The 5/11 elections, a turning point for American democracy?”)
Amphi A
Food and music break
Friterie Sensas (courtyard) / Musical break in the cafeteria with the BDA
Simon Grivet, lecturer in US history and civilization at the University of Lille
« Référendums sur l’IVG, vers un dépassement des clivages traditionnels ? » 
(“Référendums sur l'IVG, vers un dépassement des clivages traditionnels?”)
Amphi A
Pompoms SPL BDS
Live duplex with Sciences Po Lille students currently on international mobility in the USA
American campaign atmosphere
Amphi A
Jeffrey Hawkins, lecturer at Sciences Po, researcher at IRIS, former US ambassador
"Elections américaines et sécurité européenne"
 (“American elections and European security)
Amphi A (video)
Live duplex, act 2
Amphi A
Free admission without registration - Food available on site