As Sciences Po Lille does not have a campus, it cannot provide housing for incoming international students.
But we offer an easy solution!
Searching for accommodation? Use our dedicated housing platform. With our partner Studapart, access hundreds of exclusive offers: studios, flatshares, homestays… and benefit from personalized support throughout your rent!
From applying to booking, take all your steps online on the platform. To get started, click on “Tenant space” and sign up using your school’s login credentials (these codes will be emailed to you after being admitted at Sciences Po Lille) or by providing your letter of admission.
Book accommodation online to benefit from the Studapart Guarantee and support from a team of multilingual experts available 6 days a week!
You don’t have a guarantor living in France? Studapart can replace your guarantor over the whole duration of your stay.
A guarantor is a person bringing financial security and attesting you are creditworthy. It’s difficult to rent a place in France without a French guarantor. In most cases, student residences and landlords require that your guarantor earns income in France.
You can get the Studapart Guarantee directly on the platform and add it to your rental application to find accommodation on the Studapart platform or anywhere else!
A question ? Send us an email at booking@studapart.com
You can get the Studapart Guarantee directly on the platform and add it to your rental application to find accommodation on the Studapart platform or anywhere else!
A question ? Send us an email at booking@studapart.com

Students can also have a look at the following platform:
Housing Anywhere :
The concept of this platform is for outgoing students to sublet their room for a short period of time to incoming students.
This website is free to use and it operates on a full student-to-student basis
The concept of this platform is for outgoing students to sublet their room for a short period of time to incoming students.
This website is free to use and it operates on a full student-to-student basis

Crous :
What is the CROUS? For higher education in France the Centre régional des œuvres universitaires et scolaires (CROUS) is a regional organisation providing student bursaries, university halls of residence, foreign students reception, student cultural activities, and student cafeterias.
What is the CROUS? For higher education in France the Centre régional des œuvres universitaires et scolaires (CROUS) is a regional organisation providing student bursaries, university halls of residence, foreign students reception, student cultural activities, and student cafeterias.

If you want to get some support, you can contact the Bureau des Internationaux (some local students who organize themselves to help you: bdi@sciencespolille.eu), they should be able and happy to give you relevant advices.
Our International Student's Guide also have some tips and recommandations to help you in your search (under Housing).

Living in Lille
France’s fourth-largest metropolis, an international crossroad and a dynamic economic center, Lille is also renowned for being a “City of Art and History.” In 2004, it was designated to be the European Capital of Culture.
Lille’s proximity to Paris, Brussels, London, Amsterdam and Cologne places it at the crossroads of northwestern Europe. The city is a prime tourist destination, and is recognized for its friendly environment, preserved historic heritage, and thriving cultural life.