Though likely to be far in the future, human exploration of Titan could inspire upcoming generations of scientists and engineers to reach for distant locations in our solar system and beyond—and could help us better understand Earth. The mission plans to investigate whether microbial life existed on Mars billions of years ago and therefore that life is not unique to Planet Earth. However, sending people to Mars for long periods of time would be extremely unsafe, and we shouldn’t do it. For much of our existence, humans have assumed that even primitive life was unique to Planet Earth and not present in the rest of the solar system, let alone the universe. How many humans would we need to send to Mars in order to create a self-sustaining colony? Without the protection of a thick atmosphere like we have here on Earth, the particles can cause cancer and even brain damage. "The people that would go there are real pioneers," Green said. However, sending people to Mars for long periods of time would be extremely unsafe, and we shouldn’t do it. On the other hand, we shouldn’t use this as an excuse to pollute the Earth, or let global warming run amok. Face it, we're all screwed as a species on Earth if we continue to change our climate like we're doing now. That reason is That we almost did not achieve the Moon manned missions. This mission could help resource utilization through advances gained with its Mars Oxygen Experiment (MOXIE) equipment that converts Martian carbon dioxide into oxygen. NASA/AP. President Obama says yes. The facts are there, and Earth is getting much hotter, much quicker. Should Humans Go to Mars? There are a number of reasons to travel to Mars. Sometime soon, something’s gonna happen that will send you tumbling over into a whole new era of human evolution. The financial cost of sending humans to Mars would almost surely be measured in billions of dollars. In addition, several private companies, such as SpaceX, are working on spacecraft and other tech with a goal of putting people on Mars in the next decade or two. Under that ideology, humans would never leave the Earth, and we would still be sitting here at the bottom of the gravity well when the “killer asteroid” finally hits us. Like what you see? The mission represents the first step in a long-term effort to bring Martian samples back to Earth, where they can be analyzed for residues of microbial life. What can take a rover days and weeks to analyze, a person can study in just hours. Right now, you are standing on the edge of history. But while most experts agree that we’ll one day be able to send humans to Mars, not all of them think we should. As noted in my Brookings book, Megachange, given the centrality of these issues for fundamental questions about human existence and the meaning of life, it would represent a far-reaching shift in existing human paradigms. This is what Mars might look like after trillions of dollars worth of terraforming. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. However, getting humans to Mars and keeping them safe will require advances in technology. Many aspects of our modern lives would not be possible if it were not for our interest in space. Life becomes a natural feature of the universe, not just a quirk of this odd little planet around this star.”. The Apollo and other NASA missions led to developments in micro-electronincsthat later made it into household devices such as calculators and home computers. You have reached the vote limit of 200 votes. See final results below. That big, cold, lonely lump of rock spinning through the endless void 54.6 million kilometers away? Voting has ended. Let's make our own planet worth living on and then perhaps we should talk about going to Mars. Humans to Mars is Affordable and Achievable: Recent workshops and studies have also shown that missions to Mars are both achievable and affordable. Mars is the closest thing we have to Earth in the entire solar system, and that’s not saying much. Stephen Johnson limits to humans. Similar to Earth, Mars is tilted 25 degrees relative to its orbit around the Sun, which gives it Earth-like seasons. But the notion of any one-way human mission to Mars is nonsensical, as is the thought that we should colonise Mars simply because we are making a mess of Earth. But thanks to major scientific advance­ments, reaching—and surviving on—the Red Planet could become  a reality in our life­time. Should we try to send humans to Mars? Humans would have to construct new theories about ourselves and our place in the universe. It will force humans to confront their own myths and consider alternative narratives about the universe and the place of Earth in the overall scheme of things. Designing a Mars mission would be easier if we could use resources that are already available locally. 18 months of only a thin sheet of metal between you and the vacuum. First of all, it’s not as if we’re sending humans out to space without preparation or planning; … 18 months of isolation from the rest of humanity. It is important to explore Mars, and humans play a valuable role in that research. If Humans go to Mars, they’ll have no choice but to bring with them their microbes — this is inevitable. On the other hand, we shouldn’t use this as an excuse to pollute the Earth, or let global warming run amok. “I think it makes sense to go to Mars with humans to test technologies and to do scientific experiments — a short term visit or visits,” she told Futurism. Who can even envision the incredible feeling of being the first human in history to step out of the capsule and leave your footprint on the surface of Mars? The space program has pioneered the miniaturization of scientific equipment and helped engineers figure out how to land and maneuver a rover from millions of miles away. A round-trip to Mars takes about 18 months, and there isn’t enough room on current spacecraft to carry all the food, water, and other items humans would need to survive. “It means the universe is full of life. Figuring out how weightlessness and low gravity situations alter human performance and how space radiation affects people represent just a couple areas where there are likely to be positive by-products for future travel. For a few reasons, yes, humans should colonize Mars. Not only is Mars very far away, it also lacks breathable air, usable water, and protection from the sun. NASA, the U.S. space agency, is already developing the technology to make such a trip possible. A new study reveals the answer—and it could be decisive for the future of humanity. Sending a manned mission to Mars is a fantastic adventure. NASA Astronaut Explains Why We Should Send Humans To Mars (VIDEO) By Bianca Bosker. So could spending time on Mars, which lacks water and breathable air. In the not too distant future, wealthy tourists likely will take trips around the Earth, visit space stations, orbit the Moon, and perhaps even take trips around Mars. Imagine living on another planet, millions of miles from the Earth; looking up into the sky with the knowledge that one of the 'stars' is actually the planet you were born on. Humans can move faster than robots, and make quicker decisions. 18 months of weightlessness. In addition, humans will be able to move around the planet much faster than a robot can. Space exploration required the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to learn how to communicate across wide distances, develop precise navigational tools, store, transmit, and process large amounts of data, deal with health issues through digital imaging and telemedicine, and develop collaborative tools that link scientists around the world. by Amitai Etzioni Eli Etzioni. Why should humans go to Mars? The site where Perseverance is expected to land is the place where experts believe 3.5 billion years ago held a lake filled with water and flowing rivers. By this we implore you to not just think of that feeling for the astronaut, but the exp… The current record for Mars missions is 18 successes, and 25 failures. In particular, space radiation, especially galactic cosmic rays (GCRs), is dangerous. Scientist Stephen Hawking claims that humans need to colonize planets in the next 1,000 years to ensure survival. Enjoy this free article courtesy of Junior Scholastic, the Social Studies classroom magazine for grades 6–8. The advent of space tourism will broaden human horizons in the same way international travel has exposed people to other lands and perspectives. The author would like to thank Victoria E. Hamilton, staff scientist at the Southwest Research Institute, for her helpful feedback on this blog post. Going to Mars is hard and it is even harder for humans because we would need to pack everything to survive the trip to our neighbouring planet and back. A human presence on Mars will inevitably change the environment. A report concluded that NASA has no chance of sending humans to Mars by 2033, with the earliest such a mission could be flown being the late 2030s. There are, of course, good reasons for exploring Mars. How many humans would we need to send to Mars in order to create a self-sustaining colony? Humanity should focus its attention on more distant regions of the solar system (Ćirković & Vukotić, 2016; Napier, Asher, Bailey, & Steel, 2015). Humanity Would Be Better off Saving Earth, Rather Than Colonizing Mars. The possibility of sending humans to Mars has gained attention in recent years because members of the tech-industry have advocated for these plans. NASA has detailed many of the spi… NASA, the U.S. space agency, and several private companies are already developing the technology to make such a trip possible. Why did Marco Polo head east? "Only by pushing mankind to its limits, to the bottoms of the … When asked in 2013 whether we should go to Mars, he answered: Why should humans go to Mars? So attempting colonization should not be attempted as a first step, nor attempted anywhere near the first steps on a new planet. ... but the only way to find out is really to go there,” he told The Huffington Post during a community event held by NASA on Wednesday in New York City. Mars, as close as it is, is a planet too far. Going to Mars requires similar inventiveness. NO. You have reached the vote limit of 500 votes. What if it were a one way trip? You have reached the vote limit of 100 votes. Should humans go to Mars? Like, really far away. Ok we're onto the second reason why we should not go to Mars. Should Humans Go to Mars? —Amanda R. Hendrix, Ph.D. President Obama says yes. We have constructed elaborate religious and philosophical narratives around this assumption and built our identity along the notion that life is unique to Earth. A new study reveals the answer—and it could be decisive for the future of humanity. And a poor use of a great deal of money. The enormity of the storm is visible on the surface, making viewers wonder if Mars harbors not just inhospitable conditions but actual malice toward humans who dare to tread there. Senior Scientist, Planetary Science Institute and author of Beyond Earth: Our Path to a New Home in the Planets. For one thing, humans will be able to make quicker decisions, without having to rely on commands from scientists on Earth, like robots do. TM ® & © 2019 Scholastic Inc. All Rights Reserved. A human mission to Mars once seemed the stuff of science fiction. This paper suggests that it is hard to find any strong rationale for human mission to Mars, which … Its expected arrival at the Red Planet in mid-February 2021 has a number of objectives linked to science and innovation. Subscribers receive access to the website and print magazine. Two scientists weigh in. Everything from Global Positioning Systems and medical diagnostic tools to wireless technology and camera phones owe at least part of their creation to the space program. Sorry! Then you'll love Junior Scholastic, our Social Studies classroom magazine for grades 6–8. Because it is that pull, that unknown, that prospect of adventure that compels humans to seek new frontiers to explore. The U.S. space program has been an extraordinary catalyst for technology innovation. A human mission to Mars has been the subject of science fiction, aerospace engineering and scientific proposals since the 20th century. Many spacecraft have died trying to get to Mars. Other people, however, point out that making the long journey through space could threaten the astronauts’ health. Luckily, there’s a safer solar system destination for humans: Saturn’s moon Titan. The longer astronauts are in space, both traveling to Mars and on the surface of the planet, the more they’re exposed to these rays and the more damage they’re likely to experience. However, getting humans to Mars and keeping them safe will require advances in technology. Apart from looking for life, why bother with a mission to send humans to Mars? Write a one-page argument essay explaining your answer, using facts from this article as supporting evidence. Astronauts who have had this experience say it has altered their viewpoints and had a profound impact on their way of thinking. Elon Musk laid out his plan to colonize Mars at a conference on Tuesday, but it was during the Q&A session that a woman asked one of the key questions: who will be … Elements that are rare on Earth may exist elsewhere, and that could open new avenues for manufacturing, product design, and resource distribution. Humans should go to Mars to slowly work towards building a civilization there, according to Digital Trends. Isn't our planet beautiful enough? Going to Mars is Necessary for Human Survival. Other places in our solar system might be easier to explore, such as one of Saturn’s moons. A human mission to Mars once seemed the stuff of science fiction. But thanks to major advancements, reaching—and surviving on—the Red Planet could become a reality in our life-time. Why did Columbus travel west? Well, then humanity should probably just go extinct. Though robotic spacecraft can do a lot, they lack the critical firsthand experience that can only be captured by humans. It is an ideal place to search for the residues of microbial life, test new technologies, and lay the groundwork for human exploration down the road. We rely on satellites for communication, timing and positioning. GCRs are energetic particles that come into our solar system from faraway exploding stars. expected arrival at the Red Planet in mid-February. The facts are there, and Earth is getting much hotter, much quicker. Satellites help to keep us safe from severe weather, especially in Australia. Should we try to send humans to Mars? In an op-ed, Obama announced a 'clear goal' to send humans to Mars 'with the ultimate ambition to … The Mars program will help with space tourism by improving engineering expertise with space docking, launches, and reentry and providing additional experience about the impact of space travel on the human body. Why should we go to Mars? The InSight mission hopes to improve the odds. In an op-ed, Obama announced a 'clear goal' to send humans to Mars 'with the ultimate ambition to one day remain there for an extended time.'. It seems so far out, so detached from life on Earth, and in many ways it is. Elon Musk has been known to reiterate the importance … Though he was hesitant to say humans should live on Mars, he agreed there were many more discoveries to be made there. And that’s what we should be doing on Mars. As noted by Chris McKay, a research scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Science Center, that would be an extraordinary discovery. Check out Junior Scholastic At Home for our favorite stories and tools to kick off your year. The first is the realization of an amazing dream! It took three days for the Apollo missions to get to the moon. But thanks to major advancements, reaching—and surviving on—the Red Planet could become a reality in our life-time. After we build the moon base, you believe we should use what we learned and send humans to Mars’ moon, Phobos, to build a base on Mars. Check out The Great Courses Plus: you take a trip to Mars knowing the risks? Masses of New Information Some astronomers say that a trip to Mars is the gateway to traveling to the rest of our universe If there was life anywhere else in our solar system, it would be on Mars We can learn all about new ecosystems and other environmental factors that may come Check back soon for more announcements and tutorials. Will you be one of the astronauts to explore Mars? Though robotic spacecraft can do a lot, they lack the critical firsthand experience that can only be captured by humans. Overpopulation and limited resources on Earth makes Mars a potentially suitable place to colonize. The Red Planet is a cold, dead place, with an atmosphere about 100 times thinner than Earth’s. Terrifyingly, impossibly huge. Space travel already has exploded centuries-old myths and promises to continue to confront our long-held assumptions about who we are and where we come from. Mars is a valuable place for exploration because it can be reached in 6 ½ months, is a major opportunity for scientific exploration, and has been mapped and studied for several decades. A human mission to Mars once seemed the stuff of science fiction. AKS, India . We’re gonna colonize Mars. In the second instalment of his two-part feature on human missions to Mars, Dr Alexander Kumar asks whether we should send people to the Red Planet given our poor record managing this one. Scientists believe beans, … Risk of asteroid impact is higher on Mars than on Earth. If MOXIE works as intended, it would help humans live and work on the Red Planet. What an astronaut’s living quarters might look like on Mars. Located roughly 745 million miles from Earth, it has a thick atmosphere that provides protection from dangerous radiation. It would take well over a year to get there, work there and come back. In the future, we should expect large payoffs in commercial developments from Mars exploration and advances that bring new conveniences and inventions to people. We Should Go to Mars By Robert Zubrin. Another reason we should go to Mars, according to Tyson, is to inspire the next generation of space explorers. It is better to hold off disasters at home than to assume all is lost. Mars is typically a lot colder than humans — and the foods we eat — prefer for optimal growth and comfort, so one of the first things we should look for is a relatively warm site. When asked in 2013 whether we should go to Mars , he answered: Improving the quality of life on Earth. Plans include landing on Mars for exploration at a minimum, with the possibility of sending settlers and terraforming the planet or exploring its moons Phobos and Deimos also considered. The recent launch of the Mars rover Perseverance is the latest U.S. space mission seeking to understand our solar system. For a substantial fee, they can experience weightlessness, take in the views of the entire planet, see the stars from outside the Earth’s atmosphere, and witness the wonders of other celestial bodies. The only way we can save humans is to move, and the only place we can move to is Mars. Although robots have been extremely helpful in studying Mars, people will be even better. The rover is equipped with sophisticated instruments designed to search for the remains of ancient microbial life, take pictures and videos of rocks, drill for soil and rock samples, and use a small helicopter to fly around the Jezero Crater landing spot. The time it takes for humans to reach Mars is 9 months and as of today, no one has been able to recreate Earth’s gravity in space. NASA will … At NASA, we’re confident that one day humans will be able to travel to Mars, live and work there, and return safely to Earth. But it is also beyond social, political, financial and mental scope of humanity. To cite this article: Linda Billings (2019) Should Humans Colonize Mars? The next decade promises to be an exciting period as scientists mine new data from space telescopes, space travel, and robotic exploration. Sorry, please make sure that the total number of votes is between 1-40. “Right here in our solar system, if life started twice, that tells us some amazing things about our universe,” he pointed out. What can the planet tell us about Earth’s past, present, and future? In short, colonizing Mars would pose daunting challenges. Simply put, on one hand we have the opportunity to explore a vast planet of unknown potential, and on the other hand we have … Could humans eventually live on Mars? Scientists have had to figure out how to search for life in ancient rocks, drill for rock samples, take high resolution videos, develop flying machines in a place with gravity that is 40 percent lower than on Earth, send detailed information back to Earth in a timely manner, and take off from another planet. Plans include landing on Mars for exploration at a minimum, with the possibility of sending settlers and terraforming the planet or exploring its moons Phobos and Deimos also considered. You read that right. For a start, there are more microbes in our body than even body cells — and we’re not even counting microbes in the air we’ll breathe in the ship and on the Mars base. The only way we can save humans is to move, and the only place we can move to is Mars. But Mars is far away. Actually, attempting to eventually send humans to Mars is a pricey, risky leap. David Portree takes on these questions in this mono-graph.By examining the evolution of 50 mission studies That would be my preference. The other rationale is that sending humans to Mars is a fancy feat that will merely appease our natural human curiosity. Sending people to Mars for long periods can be extremely unsafe. The first humans on Mars would need to farm and establish a food source. But there are many reasons not to send people to another planet. It would take over eleven years to get to Neptune. A report concluded that NASA has no chance of sending humans to Mars by 2033, with the earliest such a mission could be flown being the late 2030s. To their enthusiasts, giant space colonies and human habitats on Mars offer not only sites to develop a better society but also places where we may modify humans themselves, partly … Mars, on the other hand, is a totally separate planet that evolved on its own, had lots of cool geology (there are some really, really tall inactive volcanoes on Mars). And there's also no reason to think that the same people who destroyed Earth wouldn't do the same to Mars, whether it be through environmental destruction or warfare or some other short-sighted venture. Jessi and Squeaks love pretending to be space explorers, visiting far-away planets! To top it off, because of the low gravity and thick atmosphere, humans on Titan could fly—just by jumping up and flapping their arms. Many objects around the solar system are made of similar minerals and chemical compounds that exist on Earth. Face it, we're all screwed as a species on Earth if we continue to change our climate like we're doing now. Many scientists agree that only human explorers can answer these questions. The paltry amount of air that does exist on Mars is … Access this article and hundreds more like it with a subscription to Junior Scholastic magazine. If we should not go to Mars, maybe we should not be on Antarctica, or maybe we should never have even voyaged beyond Europe. Simply put, on one hand we have the opportunity to explore a vast planet of unknown potential, and on the other hand we have a block of fancy cheese made to appease or curious senses. The thing about space is that it’s huge. Does it exist there today? It’s just a matter of time. NASA has been sending robots to study and collect information about the Red Planet since 1965. As argued by scientist McKay, discovering evidence of ancient microbial life on Mars would lead experts to conclude that life likely is ubiquitous around the universe and not limited to Planet Earth. When you go to Mars, you need to have made the decision that you’re there permanently.” Aldrin is one of many who compares the first explorers on Mars to the European pioneers in North America, but he and others omit the pioneer’s tendency to plunder frontiers to destruction. When the the first Apollo mission landed on the moon they only had 30 seconds of fuel left, 30 SECONDS! Post was not sent - check your email addresses! It also has wind, weather, and seasons similar to Earth’s, and many resources to build a self-sustaining settlement. Exploring space is beneficial for all of us. Will be able to send to Mars for long periods of time would be easier we! Earth, and robotic exploration planet too far space provides a means to satisfy our for... The Red planet in mid-February 2021 has a thick atmosphere like we 're onto the reason! Colonizing Mars colonization should not be attempted as a species on Earth possible. 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should humans go to mars 2021