The author is Chris Anderson… The long tail is een theorie die is bedacht door Chris Anderson.Het gelijknamige boek kwam uit in 2006. A decade has passed since Chris Anderson wrote The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling More for Less, and his theory is being proven as reality.However, he didn’t give the heads-up to most of last century’s traditional megabrands and retailers that they might also participate and accelerate their growth by implementing the theory. In the most important business book since The Tipping Point, Chris Anderson shows how the future of commerce and culture isn't in hits, the high-volume head of a traditional demand curve, but in what used to be regarded as misses - the endlessly long tail of that same curve. Chris Anderson praat 54 minuten over The Long Tail. The author of “The Long Tail” Chris Anderson embraces this wake-up call and advises you to do the same. In this latest version of The Long Tail, Chris Anderson does an exceptional job explaining how the “endless shelf space” of the internet, when applied to commerce or culture, makes the niche marketing of almost any product, service or idea so efficient and effective its disruptive forces lay waste to many given economic ideas and generations of long held cultural norms. Chris Anderson ( is Wired*'s editor in chief and writes the blog* The Long Tail. Via Leigh Bureau zijn een groot aantal Amerikaanse topsprekers te boeken. 'Vroeger' moesten fabrikanten het hebben van 'hits'. Many of the best TED Talks are built around stories, with speakers' personal anecdotes helping them bring their ideas to life. I received it last week and have read it through fairly quickly. As the cost of reaching consumers drops dramatically, our markets are shifting from a one-size-fits-all model of mass appeal to one of unlimited variety for unique tastes. Het boek van Chris Anderson is uit en hoe kun je dat beter promoten dan via Internet? Het begrip long tail won sterk aan populariteit na een artikel van door Chris Anderson in Wired Magazine uit oktober 2004 om economische modellen van winkels als of te beschrijven. abstract. The notion of giving people access to a plethora of products that were heretofore unobtainable I disliked this book for two reasons: I do not believe it represents any original ideas and it is, like most business books, horribly verbose. Geschreven bij LONG TAIL, THE. "The Long Tail" is a powerful new force in our economy: the rise of the niche. By the time Anderson converted his article into his bestselling 2006 book, The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More, the ideas represented by the term were so well-known in internet startup circles and the slide so commonplace that one founder labeled a slide “The Obligatory Long Tail Slide,” captioning the accompanying graph with the phrase “Enough said.” Gain a full understanding of the key concepts in The Long Tail by Chris Anderson. The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More. Gebaseerd op de ervaringen bij onder andere Google, LEGO, Amazon, iTunes, eBay en Wikipedia beschrijft Chris Anderson de belangrijkste krachten die ten grondslag liggen aan 'The Long Tail': de democratisering van productie, van distributie en van communicatie als gevolg van de opkomst van internet en andere nieuwe media. About The Long Tail from SmarterComics book: Graphic novel adaptation of Chris Anderson’s “The Long Tail: Why the continuing future of Business is Selling Less of More.” “Shows the way the future of commerce and culture isn’t in the high-volume head of a normal demand curve, however in what used to be thought to be misses–the endlessly long tail of this same curve.”–Publisher. Now, in this eagerly anticipated book, he takes a closer look at the new economics of the Internet age, showing where business is going and exploring the huge opportunities that exist: for new producers, new e-tailers, and new tastemakers. Chris Anderson. Het is dus ook steeds belangrijker om je te richten op de niche markten. Chris Anderson Technology's long tail Posted Apr 2007 More news and ideas from Chris Anderson. De consument wordt oppermachtig...en dat hebben we aan onszelf te danken. Hoofdstuk 1. Ik schreef daar al vaker over. Het schermpje is zwart, omdat de video een stream is en ik die via deze posting binnen laat komen. De invloed van niche markten op de winst wordt steeds groter. Babyplaats is een online winkelcentrum voor ouders. Topics magazine-12.10 WIRED is where tomorrow is realized. I enjoyed the book as it was much more of a social commentary than a business manual. Is Long-Tail a New Black? In his ground-breaking work, The Long Tail, Chris Anderson says that there’s money to be made in the long tail of niche offerings.It’s called the “long tail” because if you look at demand on a chart, there is high demand for a small number of hits or blockbusters, but the demand for niche offerings tails off in a long flat curve — hence the term “long tail.” The Long Tail, Waarom we in de toekomst minder verkopen van meer. Long-tail keywords generates more targeted traffic hence increases the chance of getting conversions. Op zijn blog hebben zo veel mensen een bijdrage geleverd aan dit werk. Chris Anderson: The Long Tail and Other Stories by ICA published on 2013-11-06T15:11:08Z The editor-in-chief of Wired talks about the revolution on online reatailing and … En ook hoe we hierop in kunnen spelen met behulp van de 9 regels … The “long tail” theory took shape in an article by Chris Anderson, editor of Wired magazine, which grew into the 2006 book The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More. tags: business-strategy, marketing, sales, the-long-tail. Chris Anderson , editor-in-chief of Wired, quoted that: With a broad perspective supported by hard facts, stats, charts, insights, and numbers, Anderson adopts a futuristic attitude that will not deprive him of his business of the “digital cake”. The long tail concept is very cute, but after reading it, I can't stop thinking about the story of Sears-Roebuck which Anderson writes about. La larga estela o larga cola (en el original en inglés The Long Tail) fue una expresión popularizada por Chris Anderson en un artículo de la revista Wired de octubre de 2004 para describir determinados tipos de negocios y modelos económicos tales como Amazon o Netflix. Chris Anderson first explored the Long Tail in an article in Wired magazine that has become one of the most influential business essays of our time. De Long Tail Hoe technologie massamarkten verandert in miljoenen niches De Long Tail wijst op de vraagcurve van producten. Hiermee heeft Anderson zeker een punt gemaakt. With great anticipation, I pre-ordered Chris Anderson’s The Long Tail two months ago. Volgens deze theorie is de traditionele 80-20 regel van Pareto die dicteert dat 20 procent van de klanten 80 procent van de winst genereren, niet meer geldig. Chris Anderson, editor-in-chief of Wired, noted that . As I thought more about the long tail of C&I solar, I began reading about other industries and came across the book that helped coin the phrase: The Long Tail. Gedrukt boek . waarom we in toekomst minder verkopen van meer. Gebaseerd op de ervaringen bij onder andere Google, LEGO, Amazon, iTunes, eBay en Wikipedia beschrijft Chris Anderson de belangrijkste krachten die ten grondslag liggen aan 'The Long Tail': de democratisering van productie, van distributie en van communicatie als gevolg van de opkomst van internet en andere nieuwe media. Zijn artikel resulteerde in het boek The Long Tail. "What people intuitively grasped was that new efficiencies in distribution, manufacturing, and marketing were changing the definition of what was commercially viable across the board. According to Anderson, those who read the article saw the Long Tail everywhere, from politics to public relations, and from sheet music to college sports. De clip die erbij hoort is ronduit briljant! Chris Anderson first explored the Long Tail in an article in Wired magazine that has become one of the most influential business essays of our time. Economische prognose over ingrijpende veranderingen in de manier van zakendoen vanwege ontwikkelingen op het internet. The best way to dominate the web in the face of stiff competition is to optimize for long-tail search. Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More uit 2006. Kijk maar eens bij de tag The Long Tail. Can Be Reality for Traditional Megabrands. Chris Anderson The long tail. @marcoderksen 17 september 2006. tweedehands boek, Chris Anderson - The Long Tail / Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More Je vindt die ook in mijn Tagcloud aan de rechterkant op de homepage. Babyplaats is een schoolvoorbeeld van Chris Anderson's theorie over "The Long Tail". 0 likes. Deze film is gemaakt om het boek van Chris Anderson, auteur van "The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More" te promoten. ― Chris Anderson, The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More. En ook hoe we hierop in kunnen spelen met behulp van de 9 regels … De in het boek beschreven inzichten maken duidelijk waarom ondernemingen als Google,... Read more » De long tail is in de huidige bedrijfsleven (zeker op het internet) niet meer weg te denken. Bijvoorbeeld omdat een winkel maar een beperkte schapruimte heeft. [1] [2] Anderson elaboró el concepto en su libro The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More. Genre Non-Fictie Onderwerpen Now, in this eagerly anticipated book, he takes a closer look at the new economics of the Internet age, showing where business is going and exploring the huge opportunities that exist: for new producers, new e-tailers, and new tastemakers. Echter waar ik vind dat het boek ontbreekt is aan uitwerking. Het aardige is dat de site een uitgebreid profiel bevat van de sprekers (inclusief videomateriaal) waaronder Chris Anderson (The Long Tail) (via: Upstream).

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