Email: Patients who have a suspected diagnosis of sarcoma, or require limb, trunk or spinal surgery, are best referred to RNOH. Call us: +44 (0)20 7811 8111 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm) Email us: or Write to us: Private Care Referrals, The Royal Marsden, Fulham Road, London SW3 6JJ. The Royal Marsden ‘Soft Tissue Sarcoma: a Clinical Update’ 24 September 2019. I now have three monthly CT scans and know that I can see the sarcoma team straight away if l suspect anything untoward. All patients will be discussed at the joint thoracic sarcoma MDM (weekly videoconferenced with participation from RMH, UCH and Royal Brompton Hospital). Their rarity, and the heterogeneity of subtype and location means that developing evidence-based guidelines is complicated by the limitations of the data available. Royal Marsden and Royal Brompton Palliative Care Service (N.G., J.R.R., J.R.), Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust; The Institute of ... disease treatment seen at a sarcoma referral center. Services for patients with sarcoma are long established at both UCH/RNOH and RMH. The patients were seen here within two weeks of referral, during which time any previous imaging or biopsy was obtained and reviewed. Referring patients How to refer your patients to The Royal Marsden The Royal Marsden accepts NHS referrals from both GPs and other hospitals within London and the South East for the diagnosis and treatment of common and rare cancers. Royal Marsden Hospital’s electronic patient record. All new National Health Service (NHS) surgical referrals seen in the Soft-Tissue Sarcoma Unit of the Royal Marsden Hospital for the one-year period from April 1st 2003 to March 31st 2004 were considered. Brockley Hill 250 Euston Road We work closely with the Royal Marsden Sarcoma Unit and therefore do not accept referrals for a second opinion if patients have already been discussed there, unless a direct request is made by a clinician from the Royal Marsden. Title: Advance Magazine - Spring Summer 2019, Author: The Royal Marsden, Name: Advance Magazine - Spring Summer 2019, Length: 11 pages, Page: 8, Published: 2019-09-10 Issuu company logo Issuu It is with great pleasure that we invite you to participate in this very exciting conference on ‘Soft Tissue Sarcomas: a Clinical Update’ on Tuesday 24th September 2019, at the Royal Marsden Education and Conference Centre, London.. Sarcoma MDT Coordinator The Royal Marsden Hospital is a specialist referral centre for cancer in London where we have around 750 patients with sarcoma referred each year. Inclusion Criteria: Have a histologically confirmed case of undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma or leiomyosarcoma and be willing to consent for archival tumour material to be requested for transfer to The Royal Marsden for future review. Melanoma and Sarcoma Unit, Royal Marsden Hospital, London Objective To illustrate the problems associated with mistaken pre-operative diagnosis following gynae- Design A case series of five referrals. Results Non-gynaecological tumours were not suspected in each case and hence there was a failure to Telephone: 020 3447 4821/4418 Suspected sarcoma referrals have increased by 120% to RMH over the last 4 years. Referrals were triaged every day, a new telephone clinic was set up in March 2016 and extra clinics were scheduled as and when needed. For referral advice following ultrasound of soft tissue lumps please see British Sarcoma Group guidelines. Central Referral and Information Line. Please note: All referral information has to be received by 3pm on a Wednesday for discussion at that Friday’s MDT. Please use this form when transferring inpatients to RNOH. Please see our second opinion policy for more information. That was almost a year ago and I am very much alive as you can see, thanks to my wonderful sarcoma oncologist and thoracic and sarcoma surgeons. In 2015 the NICE guidelines introduced an urgent ultrasound scan(USS) as a screening tool before referring a patient under the 2 week pathway in order to reduce the pressure in major sarcoma … Andrew Hayes, Sarcoma and Melanoma Unit, Department of Academic Surgery, Royal Marsden Hospital NHS Foundation T rust, Fulham Road, London SW3 6JJ, UK. Once a diagnosis has been made, the patient will be seen in clinic by a surgeon or oncologist, as appropriate. Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) are rare tumours arising in mesenchymal tissues, and can occur almost anywhere in the body. Participants were recruited between March 2011 and September 2012. Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital However, this makes it more important that STS are managed by teams, expert in such cases, to ensure … If you wish to discuss a referral the office can be contacted via the RNOH switchboard. We undertook a cross-sectional, prevalence study of pain in patients who attended the sarcoma outpatient clinics at the Royal Marsden Hospital. Background: This study aimed to investigate changes in treatment strategy and outcome for patients with primary retroperitoneal sarcoma (RPS) undergoing resection at referral centers during a recent period. Author information: (1)Sarcoma and Melanoma Unit, Department of Academic Surgery, Royal Marsden Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK. The guidance is issued jointly by the Sarcoma Centres of the Royal Marsden Hospital (RMH) and University College Hospital/Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (UCH/RNOH). In all cases histology was reviewed by a specialist soft tis-sue pathologist on referral to the Royal Marsden Hospital. Mr Myles Smith took up a substantive post with the Sarcoma, Melanoma and Rare Tumours (SMART) service of The Royal Marsden in 2015, and joined The Institute of Cancer Research in 2017. Introduction Sarcomas are rare tumours. Methods: The study enrolled consecutive adult patients with primary non-metastatic RPS who underwent resection with curative intent between 2002 and 2017 at 10 referral centers. THE LONDON AND SOUTH EAST SARCOMA NETWORK For use by all Cancer Networks without a designated local diagnostic clinic. He has developed specialist surgical oncology practice, with special interests in soft-tissue sarcoma and advanced melanoma. Patients can be referred to either the surgical service at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore or the oncology service at University College Hospital, whichever is most appropriate. To make a referral please download the referral form above and email it to the MDT Office. The Sarcoma UK Support Line is an independent resource which can provide information and guidance about the process for seeking a second opinion from the network of sarcoma specialist centres throughout England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The actuarial 5‐year survival rate of all cases following referral was 29 per cent. If you would like to be referred to the London Sarcoma Service, it is best to ask your GP or your hospital consultant to make the referral, by writing to or telephoning us and sending a referral letter with all your clinical information. Email: If you wish to discuss a referral the office can be contacted via the RNOH switchboard. The service does not provide second opinions itself or make direct referrals to sarcoma specialist centres on behalf of patients, but has a wealth of information and experience to guide patients and their families, drawing on best practice guidelines on the management and treatment of sarcoma in the British Sarcoma Group guidelines. Telephone: 020 8909 5112 At the Royal Marsden Hospital, the referrals raised from 200 in 2012/2013 to more than 500 in 2015/2016. For GPs outside of London: To refer suspected sarcoma patients please use the LSESN 2WW referral form. Highly chemosensitive subtypes, for Referral Treatment Follow-up Suspected Diagnosis Secondary Care Referral to Sarcoma Treatment Centre: Royal Marsden Sarcoma Unit London Sarcoma Service or (Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital and University College London Hospital) 2 Week Wait Referral form/Tertiary Referral and imaging sent to Unit Secretaries (RMH) and/or MDT Coordinators. Once a diagnosis has been made, the patient will be seen in clinic by a surgeon or oncologist, as appropriate. Sarcoma Unit, Muriel Sands House Nikos Memos presented an audit of 2WW referrals to the Royal Marsden Hospital from March to September 2016. Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 4LP It was removed by a sarcoma surgeon at the Royal Marsden Hospital. For further information please see (RtD) experienced by sarcoma patients, including factors contributing to the length of the RtD from patients’ perspective; (2)the impact of the RtD on QoL and care satisfaction; and (3)differences in aims 1–2 between English and Dutch patients. If you wish to discuss a referral they can be contacted via the UCLH switchboard. Please read the referral guide before making a referral. The Royal Marsden Hospital experience of trabectedin in patients with advanced soft tissue sarcoma (STS): Toxicity and efficacy in a nonselected group. Approximately 12 00 sarcomas are diagnosed each year including UK sarcoma units Royal Marsden Hospital Sarcoma Unit London Sarcoma Service Patient support Sarcoma UK International sites Washington Cancer Patients who have sarcomas at non-limb/trunk sites (abdomen, gynaecological, head and neck, thorax), or who have metastatic disease, are best referred initially to UCLH. If a biopsy or surgery has already been carried out, then we will request pathology slides and blocks for review. intra-abdominal, retroperitoneal, head & neck, urology, breast, skin). We have a weekly multi-disciplinary team (MDT) meeting on Fridays at 08.00 at which all new referrals are discussed. You can be directly referred to the individual consultant, or if you are not sure which consultant you should see, by referral to Sarcoma MDT Coordinator at UCLH. For GPs in London: To refer suspected sarcoma patients please use the Pan London 2WW referral form. If your case is urgent, please ring us on 020 8909 5111/5600. The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust has an international reputation for high quality patient care, education and research and its partnership with the Institute of Cancer Research has created the largest comprehensive cancer centre in Europe. Oncology Department, 1st Floor Central University College London Hospital NHS Foundation Trust London, NW1 2PB To make a referral please download the referral form above and email it to the Sarcoma MDT Coordinators. Early diagnosis is challenging, but important for local control and potentially survival and quality of life(QoL). (2)Colorectal Surgery Unit, Royal Marsden Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK. Patients’ general practitioners were contacted where necessary to obtain follow-up information. Please bring with you all your medical records, scans, scan reports, pathology reports, and if you are able, slides and pathology blocks from any biopsy or surgery you have had. The London Sarcoma Service regularly receives requests for second opinions and is happy to provide these. Welcome to the new London Sarcoma Service website, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust, Copies of any scan reports and histopathology reports, Details of information already given to the patient. Through our partnership with HCA Healthcare UK private patients from the UK or overseas can be seen by specialist sarcoma consultants from the London Sarcoma Service. Please do not biopsy the patient, we will arrange this. 40, 41 In the Netherlands, national referral guidelines are already well-established for bone sarcoma. We work closely with the Royal Marsden Sarcoma Unit and therefore do not accept referrals for a second opinion if patients have already been discussed there, unless a direct request is made by a clinician from the Royal Marsden. Your patient will be discussed at the next MDT meeting and a management plan agreed. MDT Office Please refer all limb, trunk and abdominal wall soft tissue sarcomas to RNOH, Please refer all non-limb/trunk soft tissue sarcomas to UCLH (e.g. All patients with RLNM from soft tissue sarcoma were identified from the Royal Marsden Hospital Sarcoma Unit prospective database from January 1990. The London Sarcoma Service regularly receives requests for second opinions and is happy to provide these. Information needed for referral The pattern of referrals in this regional sarcoma unit in 2008 (subdivided by benign or malignant diagnosis) is … Patients are seen at either our Sutton or Chelsea sites, or at the Sir William Rous Unit at The Kingston Hospital. A retrospective analysis was undertaken of 120 patients with retroperitoneal sarcoma referred to the Royal Marsden Hospital over a period of 20 years. Please do not biopsy the patient, we will arrange this. You can find out more about these services here April 2016 Pan -London Suspected Cancer Referral Guide Sarcoma SPECIALIST SARCOMA CENTRES There are three SPECIALIST SARCOMA CENTRES for London: ROYAL MARSDEN HOSPITAL (soft tissue sarcoma at all sites) ROYAL NATIONAL ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL (RNOH) (all bone sarcoma, soft tissue sarcoma of limb/trunk/spine) Two-week rule referrals to Royal Marsden Hospital soft tissue sarcoma unit per year. Article May 2011 We will arrange for the patient to be discussed in the most appropriate site-specific MDT, and a management plan agreed. Methods Fifteen sarcoma patients from The Royal Marsden Hospital, United Kingdom, and Radboud As one of the largest soft-tissue sarcoma units in Europe, with more referrals than any other hospital in the UK, The Royal Marsden has the greatest experience in managing this challenging disease. Patients who have a suspected diagnosis of sarcoma, or require limb, trunk or spinal surgery, are best referred to RNOH. ��ࡱ� > �� � � ���� � � ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� � �� �" bjbjW�W� 7� 5� 5� � z � �� �� �� � f f � � ` ` ` ���� t t t 8 � � x � t ` � D � L f f f � � � L � ( �_ �_ �_ �_ �_ �_ �_ $ �a � �d � �_ ` &. Referral is advised at the earliest suspicion of a thoracic sarcoma and assessment, imaging and biopsy will be undertaken by the sarcoma MDT. To make a referral please download the referral form above and email it to the MDT Office. 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royal marsden sarcoma referrals 2021