However, if she wishes to improve her mastery of this subject and her overall literacy, in future she will need to use this material to write her own responses rather than relying entirely on other people’s expertise. And while we can mock this process …. Shopping Cart. THEMATIC = “Boland explores historical events from a deeply personal and individual viewpoint”, e.g. It prevents there from being any flow in your answer. When an idea works, they grab it, massage it and make it their own. The poem’s opening line is in my mind extremely striking due to the poet blurring the lines between the possible and the impossible with the oxymoron “I expect him any minute now, although / He’s dead“. Upon reading this poem for the first time, I believe that the speaker is the grim reaper who is patiently waiting for his next victim to drop: “I expect him any minute now“. He shares a relationship with “his own dead friends“. “The poet tells us” or “the poet says” are problematic because poetic language is always carefully crafted, with every word and punctuation mark deliberately chosen to capture the exact feeling and idea the poet wishes to communicate. Otherwise excellent“. Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone. November 29, 2010 at 3:26 pm #11952. Sample Answer: Unseen Poetry. 16/20??? However, it would be foolish of us to assume that this desire to remain neutral will continue indefinitely into the future. I think the comparison illustrates the difference well but something (a lot in fact) does get lost in translation. Don’t point out techniques, rather discuss the effect each technique has on the reader. Then perhaps we can acknowledge that, for the most part, people are not deliberately ‘mis-interpreting’ us, they are simply bringing their own truth to the conversation. read more. is a huge collection of poems from famous and amateur poets from around the world — collaboratively published by a community of authors and contributing editors. My personal response to this poem was one of confusion initially. But this got me thinking about a truth we often whitewash, which is that there is no fixed, immutable meaning. I typed, cause I don’t really hand-write at all anymore) my own personal response in 20 minutes. I’m reading phrases like “it is impossible to feel comfortable” and “it’s difficult to watch this struggle” and “it is an unimaginable horror” and “there is little about this society to praise”. You need to understand the words you’re using. I also think that the impact of the desolate final line is lost if you keep repeating it over and over. I’m guilty of this too with my poetry podcasts. Reading poetry is a complex process; an interaction between the poet’s intentions and the readers’ struggle to impose meaning on what they’ve just read. Each one has it’s own defining identity: not sleepy or dopey hopefully, but with recognisable features that make it distinct from all of the others. The memory of the man is slowly fading away and will soon have disappeared, just like these starlings in the air. Leaving Cert Site. ), “Your job is not to translate the poem into simple English. You’re good to go. The verbs “tells” and “says” imply that the poet is telling us things rather than hinting, showing, evoking, then allowing us to figure it out for ourselves. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence. Patronising? ART: You need to show that studying this poet has changed your perspective on life, taught you something valuable, opened your eyes to an issue you had previously ignored, provoked an emotional response, connected to something in your own life. The poem was “A Glimpse of Starlings” by Brendan Kennelly which I have since discovered is on the ordinary level leaving cert course. CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE EINZIGARTIGE KUNDENERLEBNISSE SCHAFFEN MEHR ERFAHREN Kunden kaufen dort ein, wo Einkaufen zu einem Erlebnis wird. Telling the STORY of the poem – sum up what the poem is about in ONE or two sentences. we should also acknowledge that there might be something more going on here. Please do not put your name or any identifying information on the submission. But as the old cliché goes “the road to hell is paved with good intentions“. Skip to content. You can even find poems by occasion, theme, and form. And nothing now can ever come to any good. They LOVE ambiguity. Conciliatory? Shopping Cart. You must respond to the question immediately but there are more subtle ways to do it! To protect the anonymity of my fictional accuser I’ll just refer to them as ‘parent’! For poetry FEATURES please send 3-6 poems and include an artist statement. Common mistakes when asnwering unseen poetry. I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong. Senior Editor (and poet) David Fox is a true inspiration. Don’t just rewrite the question at the end of every paragraph and hope this will do – it won’t! Elizabeth Bishop; Emily Dickinson; Seamus Heaney; Thomas Kinsella; Derek Mahon; WB Yeats; All 2014 guides on CD; Sylvia Plath ; Eavan Boland (LC 2012) Patrick Kavanagh (LC 2012) Adrienne Rich (LC 2013) Gerard Manley Hopkins (LC 2013) Need help? I knew the difference but found it hard to put it into words. There is no shortcut to this knowledge. Her interpretation is really original and completely credible from the details included in the poem. You can look from one to the next to the next and see how they all form an inseparable unit that would be weaker if any one of them went missing or was left behind. A simile is used to compare them to a “fist of black dust pitched in the wind“. Cancelled … The alcoholic man is called “dead” indicating to me that he is simply wasting his life. We are given a list of his daily actions “sipping a cup of tea, fingering a bit of bread, eating a small photograph with his eyes“. He seems to no longer have an aim in life and can barely manage to walk down the “concrete path” but awkwardly drags his feet. This poetry anthology features more than 20 poets and more than 40 poems. Über POET. Now that you’ve got a plan, a certain amount of flow will emerge from the sequence you’ve decided to implement. Her engagement with and understanding of the text is everywhere evident. Leave it at that. In the beginning… then… ultimately…finally, Nonetheless, nevertheless, although, even though, however, Furthermore, in addition, above all, essentially, On the other hand… alternatively… besides, So you’ve got the guidelines. Students are presented with eight poets and advised to study six, which is a pretty tall order, according to Evelyn O’Connor, teacher and founder of With thanks to Unseen poetry mistakes! What ideas have something in common, even something tenuous, that will enable you to segue from one to the next so that they seem like logical progressions akin to steps on a staircase to wisdom? I fancied myself as a singer-songwriter when I was a teenager and as an adult had dabbled in writing poetry but I still had to think long and hard to verbalise the difference between the two. This is a bit silly really, imho, because when the initial emotional response to any event, good or bad, is over, what we’re left with is the opportunity to analyse it logically and try to figure out what it all meant. Opening sentence of your essay – please don’t simply parrot back the question word for word. Please do not put your name or any identifying information on the submission. The final three lines had an emotional impact on me as I found them to be very sombre and hopeless. They just look all wrong! There’s an engagement with her feelings and with the feelings in the poem but zero attempt on any level to suggest what the poem might be about. We decided that a song would need simpler imagery, everyday slang /direct speech, repetition of key ideas for the chorus, short snappy phrases to create a regular beat/rhythm, end-rhyme, and a bridge before the second chorus. Whether or not you think she should be penalised or not for an honest response which ignores ‘jargon’ is a discussion for another day. Failing to acknowledge this can mean that you come across as stupid or worse still, as arrogant. Eliot, Paul Durcan and Elizabeth Bishop Secondly, you need a thread which ties everything together. There’s something shocking here, something heart breaking about the sad reality that we glimpse the dead continuously in our memories even though they’re not here anymore. It is not a life that I would personally like to lead. Some dance of language between the speaker and the listener; some ever-changing, ever-moving complexity that is, in itself, a pleasurable tango that endlessly entertains even as it refuses to come to a standstill. Interestingly, if you google it, this is a poem about grief. It has a .net as an domain extension. I found this poem to be a very poignant one, whose message – that life is a continuous cycle – remained in my mind long after I had read it. Karriere. Explicitly referencing the question asked, repeatedly and consistently throughout your essay (but vary the phrasing, please? They ‘fix’ the meanings of the poems. Stick with your point and develop it fully before you move on”. The poem is an explosion of the senses for me, a contrast between silence and noise, life and death. Final sentences of your essay – personal response. More Galleries of 1.3K likes. GCSE English Literature 8702 2. These were essays which they may or may not have written themselves – oh the joys of having an older brother or cousin or sister who could pass their essays down through the generations, like family heirlooms to be treasured and polished and re-used ad-infinitum! As I “corrected” their unseen poetry answers, I was astounded and impressed by the vast array of interpretations we came up with, several of which I’ve reproduced below, none of which we could verify were ‘correct’ as we were responding ‘blind’ to the poem, with no knowledge of the poet’s biography or access to interviews with him asking what the poem’s ‘really’ about! Auszeichnungen. Use inspirational quotes along with the sweet and funny memories of working together to stir up a storm of emotions. Every time I open my mouth, compose a text or a tweet, I know what I intend it to mean. The writer’s use of vivid imagery is intense; “like a fist of black dust pitched in the world” really hits me on a personal note. So if I say “her choice of outfit for the wedding was… interesting!” I am implying that I didn’t like it but my criticism is veiled: I’m hinting that I disapprove rather than saying it outright. It’s ok to deal with four poems (not all six you’ve studied) in your essay BUT KNOW at least 5 – it depends on the question asked which poems you’ll choose to discuss. which again gives this poem a mournful, bitter feeling at its conclusion. William Butler Yeats [1865-1939] Relevant Background WB Yeats was born in 1865 in Dublin. The simile of the “questions that bang and rattle in his head like doors and canisters the night of a storm” is so noisy, so ugly, so disturbing that I honestly didn’t want to read on anymore and the metaphor of starvation in the line “Love is a crumb all of him hungers for” is in my opinion the most haunting and heart breaking image in the entire poem, full of torment and longing. so that it ends up conforming to the ‘norm’ rather than taking flight and becoming a truly original take on the poet in its own right. You’ll notice two occasions where I crossed out her word and put in a more precise one which would identify the poetic technique being used; so “image” became “simile” and “represents” became “symbolised”. If he/she uses colloquial language, yes it will feel as if the poet is simply speaking, but again, this is a conscious decision, not an accident. This experience also got me thinking about how the poetry textbooks we use, crammed with notes, shut down critical interpretations. I think it was an attempt to encourage independent thought, originality and debate in classrooms instead of the ‘sage on the stage, top-down, sit in your seats & bow before my superior wisdom’ approach which (we are told) dominated (still dominates?) Shopping Cart. The stars are not wanted now, put out every one; Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood. What techniques has the poet used in the quotes you’ve included AND WHY!!! It appears he is really struggling to go on for an unknown reason, perhaps heartbreak as “love is a crumb all of him hungers for“. I decide to reply in writing. The first paradox is presented in the first line of the poem: “I expect him any minute now although / He’s dead“. But what good writers understand, in their deep heart’s core, is the importance of generating flow for the reader. It paints an intense picture of how much pain he’s in, that swallowing a simple piece of bread is causing him great pain such distress, alongside his lack of willingness reluctance to go on as the brightness of day kills him inside. In my eagerness to help students appreciate the prescribed poetry on a deeper level, I created mp3s of me discussing the poems, but there’s a danger that if students rely too heavily on listening to me, or any so-called ‘expert’, their own response, analysis and interpretation gets lost or demeaned. I think it was Plato. Implicit arguments, when subtly and intelligently constructed, can be far more elegant and sophisticated than explicit ones. So I start to wonder if she would be penalised in the exam because her discomfort with this society is implicit rather than explicit. If the question demands a personal response, get in there, get stuck in, show that you have opinions and you’re not afraid to express them and they belong to you – I I I all the way captain! Posted in Comparative, Leaving Cert Paper 2, Studied poetry, Justice in King Lear – how to construct an answer…. We will consider all forms of poetry – surprise us! You need to know how they work to create flow in your writing. How wrong I was! The poem does not settle into acceptance, however. A shocking statistic? New Contrast is South Africa's oldest surviving literary journal We re-phrase so they’ll see things the way we want them to. However, my solicitor will be in contact shortly in relation to slanderous comments made by you in the comments section of our school’s website and on facebook. Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come. Credo; VITA. And how often have I found myself saying, to quote TS Eliot “That is not what I meant at all; That is not it, at all“. He was my North, my South, my East and West, I thought that love would last forever: ‘I was wrong’. Her analysis of the values and attitudes which dominate in this society is sublime. However, you need flow within your paragraphs as well as between them. Live-Events. Why did I use different methods of signing off in each example? However, the one solitary word which nods in the direction of commenting on the writer’s technique is “cinematic“. Today was a weird day. Skip to content. added by Allyb2106 — Unseen Poetry. is 9 years 4 months old. Length of your essay = absolute minimum 3 & a half pages (some people can and will write more in 50 minutes). Elizabeth Bishop; Emily Dickinson; Seamus Heaney; Thomas Kinsella; Derek Mahon; WB Yeats ; All 2014 guides on CD; Sylvia Plath; Eavan Boland (LC 2012) Patrick Kavanagh (LC 2012) Adrienne Rich (LC 2013) Gerard Manley Hopkins (LC 2013) Need help? Finde Poetry Slam Texte von Slammern oder veröffentliche Deine Poetra Slam Texte auf GCSE English Literature 8702 2. emergencyliterature Sec 4 Unseen Poetry. Elizabeth Bishop; Emily Dickinson; Seamus Heaney; Thomas Kinsella; Derek Mahon; WB Yeats ; All 2014 guides on CD; Sylvia Plath; Eavan Boland (LC 2012) Patrick Kavanagh (LC 2012) Adrienne Rich (LC 2013) Gerard Manley Hopkins (LC 2013) Need help? is a resource for all Leaving Certificate English students. Posted in Comparative, Composing, Studied poetry, Unseen poetry. Poetry, literature that evokes a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience or an emotional response through language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm. They deliberately don’t do this. The Yeats essay scored 50/50 (100%) on this years Leaving Cert where I achieved an A1 (96%). They are trapped, imprisoned by their addictions. Of course, this is why it’s important that students write at length and in depth about a poet immediately after they study his/her work. What insight or wisdom have you gained from studying this poet. Don’t tell the story of the poem, appreciate the ideas it expresses. Just typing that second example was like scrapping my nails down a blackboard and reading it back is like jabbing hot pokers in my eyeballs. A ‘tour de force’ essay is an essay that’s so insightful, so eloquent and so sophisticated, you wish you’d written it yourself. If something is implicit it is “implied rather than expressly stated”. I am writing in response to your recent complaint that I unfairly accused your daughter of cheating. added by Allyb2106 — Unseen Poetry. For nothing now can ever come to any good. We do this don’t we? It makes me think about the cruelty of this world, how death can happily wait for you to succumb as you can barely cope. The stars burn out. Apologetic? This is where the quality (and attention to detail) of the examiner really becomes vitally important – read closely, her unease with the society is everywhere referenced and evident in her writing; read quickly, or carelessly, you might be tempted to mark her down for “clarity of purpose” – not because she isn’t clear about the task she has been set, but because she chooses to engage indirectly with her discomfort, using the passive, rather than an active and personal, voice. The ideas are there but which one will you start with? But remember that close analysis of the text, using a sophisticated vocabulary, is always required for Honours Leaving Cert English. And here’s an example of connectives used badly: Ireland has a tradition of neutrality. Skip to content. The sure sign of a bluffer. I’m not convinced demanding personal response necessarily achieves this but it’s a worthy aim nonetheless. We don’t all think and feel and respond in the same way. Elizabeth Bishop; Emily Dickinson; Seamus Heaney; Thomas Kinsella; Derek Mahon; WB Yeats ; All 2014 guides on CD; Sylvia Plath; Eavan Boland (LC 2012) Patrick Kavanagh (LC 2012) Adrienne Rich (LC 2013) Gerard Manley Hopkins (LC 2013) Need help? If this really did happen, which tone should I adopt? All it takes is a simple google search with one sentence of such plagiarised material to reveal the truth, which is that your daughter did in fact cheat. Ignoring the question: if you are asked for a personal response to a poet’s work, every paragraph must contain at least two sentences which include the word “I”. Als Begründer gilt der ehemalige Bauarbeiter Marc Kelly Smith, der mit Poetry Slam eine Alternative zu den üblichen Wasserglas-Lesungen schaffen wollte. Some verbs should rarely – possibly never – be used when discussing a poem. Shopping Cart. He was an American who took British citizenship at the age of 39 in 1927. So in terms of the 3T’s, she’s established tone and techniques on a deep level but has only briefly mentioned the theme of the poem (life and death) in her opening sentence. My comment at the bottom of her answer was “use the language of poetry in your analysis. Again, I found it hard to grade this one. Imagine the school receives a phone-call from a parent complaining about some aspect of my teaching. Downloads; Support; Kontakt; Homepage Sandra Kaupa 2020-12-29T13:25:12+01:00. Until some genius in the State Exams Commission realised that the whole thing had somehow turned into a dumbed down touchy feely personal response nightmare that was encouraging students to fake personal engagement but which was – in most cases – letting them off the hook of having to actually think for themselves in the exam. Here's a quick plug for all Leaving Cert pupils for Evelyn O'Connor's site, which has lots of excellent advice on preparing for your exam.Advice and resources are clearly divided between Paper I and Paper II, and recent posts include:. Are some of the letters a combination of different tones? Try to find some will to fight on but then I realise. As he enters the pub, cinematically, over his shoulder we see birds taking off from a field afar. Personal response became shorthand for knowing exactly what would come up on the exam and therefore not having to do any critical thinking on the day, but rather a rote learn and regurgitate exercise that everyone was pretty happy with thank you very much. Who was it that said “the unexamined life is not worth living” ? your job is to examine how the poem communicates with us, how it creates ideas in your mind and feelings in your heart. This little experiment proved to be way more fascinating than I originally anticipated. Ideas need to be linked to each other; paragraphs need to be sequenced logically and the reader needs to be eased in – and eased out – of the reading experience. We live in an era of growing global terrorism and were we to be targeted by terrorists we would need to respond, not just for our safety but also for the safety of our neighbours. As no active threats were reported recently by users, is SAFE to browse. But we need to face up to one crucial truth: Meaning is not something that exists, it’s something that we create. Furthermore, we are socially, economically and emotionally tied to Europe and so an attack on Europe would also be an attack on us.”. Think of something to say first, then support with a relevant quotation and comment on the effect this quote has on you, if possible identifying the technique as well as the intellectual/emotional impact”, “Zoom in on individual words/lines. Now where will you go next? I suggest in future you spend more time assisting your daughter with her homework and less time phoning our school with baseless complaints which are a waste of my time. He seems to have led an ordinary life, when alive. The person reading your work ends up tempted to shout at you panto style “stop pretending you’re not there!”. Poetry Slam in seiner heutigen Form ist 1986 in Chicago entstanden. It’s so important their own unique response doesn’t get swallowed up, flattened out, diminished in a sea of notes (and podcasts!) If they didn’t have the good fortune to get said essays from family members they could get them at revision courses or in books or, best of all, they could learn off their TEACHER’s personal response and pass that off as their own (sure weren’t you only doing justice to the ecstasies of enraptured joy and pain and suffering your poor old teacher went through every time he read “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”? Personally I think he’s in some kind of limbo, although that may be me reading the poem too literally, because he’s desperate to know “why his days finished like this” but he gets no answer. The four essays are not useful in terms of poets covered, in fact iI think only two are on the course for 2011. The poet’s uncertainty about what lies beyond death is memorably captured in his allusion to the gates of heaven “The door opening to let him in” as simply being “what looks like release from what feels like pain” but the ambiguity captured in “looks like” and “feels like” leaves us with little comfort. There is no one collective consciousness, there are only masses of unique individuals who all respond to the world and everything in it in a way which is uniquely them. Skip to content. First and foremost you should do something with that brainstorm your teacher insisted you create! Everyone’s life keeps trundling on but I’m here frozen in the street, You gave me direction, without you I’m lost & lonely & incomplete. Clearly this is the will of the people. When it doesn’t, they cut it loose and, like Frozen, they just ‘let it go’. Common mistakes when asnwering unseen poetry. The comparison symbolism here is that the birds are free while the man feels trapped and locked in his alcoholism. I thought I was just going to put myself in their shoes, and model some good practice. is a resource for all Leaving Certificate English students. Skip to content. It is a domain having net extension. Gaius Valerius Flaccus (/ ˈ f l æ k ə s /; died c. AD 90) was a 1st-century Roman poet who flourished during the "Silver Age" under the Flavian dynasty, and wrote a Latin Argonautica that owes a great deal to Apollonius of Rhodes' more famous epic. Here’s what we came up with: All of this noise keeps dragging me down to a place I cannot go. However, for any student who’s not an A standard, for a student who’s not going to produce a tour-de-force work of academic brilliance, using the active, personal voice is a better option. Skip to content. This thought is immediately conflicted in my mind by the verbs following, the onomatopoeia creating a tangibility that clashes with the idea of death (“struggling”, “sipping”, “bang”, “rattle“). The line’s ambiguous nature draws me in and implores me to continue reading. You’ll see a list of examples below but a word of warning here: connectives used well are almost invisible. Defensive? A couple of students failed to distinguish between the “I” and the “He” in the poem. Skip to content. Aus diesem Grund ist das Einkaufserlebnis – die … And now, to paraphrase Frozen once more, it’s time to ‘Let it flow, let it flow, can’t hold it back anymore…’, Posted in Comparative, Composing, Comprehensions, Leaving Cert Paper 1, Leaving Cert Paper 2, Poetry. read more. The questions that continuously “bang” and “rattle” in his mind are compared to “doors and canisters the night of a storm“. I gave her 20/20 because she’s managed a perfect balance of the 3 Ts – Theme, Tone, Technique (also known as ideas, feelings and writing style) with a wonderful flow of language and concrete coherent yet complex vocabulary. She achieves a good balance of the 3Ts, although I would have liked to see a little more integration/analysis of techniques. Here’s what I wrote as feedback on some of the less successful answers: (it might help you to see where you’re going “wrong”!!! General advice on poetry essay: Length of your essay = absolute minimum 3 & a half pages (some people can and will write more in 50 minutes). Instead we get an atmosphere of gothic horror as we picture the dead man in some kind of afterlife “talking all night to his own dead” but the “first heart-breaking light” of morning brings no release or comfort. Their words are just squiggles on a page, the same as the rest of us. If you are a brilliant writer with original intelligent insights we may just about accept your arrogance, because it is well earned. The sun fades out. You cannot control this. The poet uses simple images of the everyday actions of this man who is now dead to depict the lonely gap that is left behind, as only memories of him remain. Eliot [1888-1965] Relevant Background Thomas Stearns [TS] Eliot was uniquely both an American and British poet. You can find similar websites and websites using the same design template.. has an estimated worth of 3,057 USD. This man, however, longs to leave his ways behind as “Love is a crumb all of him hungers for“. On the one hand you have an original and intelligent interpretation, comparing the speaker to the grim reaper. Poetry essays | A poem doesn’t have a FIXED meaning but it is possible to miss important distinctions if you’re not fully tuned in. Literary Analysis Papers: How to Read a Poem. This image simile is an upsetting one. Is it a fist of triumph thrown up into the air, finally getting in the house, or is it a threatening presence, a reminder of the perils that await him outside the house? However, rather than bore you with the mundane minutiae of my daily grind, instead let me share with you an insight I had which concerns the perplexing issue of ‘personal response’. has registered 9 years 1 month ago. Skip to content Home Downloads Index About Links Junior Cert Poetry Study Guides Elizabeth Bishop Emily Dickinson Seamus Heaney Thomas Kinsella Derek Mahon WB Yeats All 2014 guides on CD Sylvia Plath For accusing your daughter of cheating stupid or worse getting the name of the poem, appreciate the are! ( and lost the beauty ), ensure that everything you say is responding directly to the question were... Personally to your recent complaint that I unfairly accused your daughter of cheating Videos & Notes Suggest or. 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Up a storm of emotions Butler Yeats, a portrait painter, and form unfairly accused your of. Well: “ Ireland undoubtedly has a # 746,797 rank in global.! Me down to a place I can not go above which focuses on meaning but style! Had an emotional impact on me as I found it hard to put myself in their deep heart ’ what..., Studied poetry, Unseen poetry more integration/analysis of techniques is received by the reader or listener as them! It won ’ t use the language of poetry in your essay the! Of them like water from a parent complaining About some aspect of my teaching only you! Your life nevertheless it would be foolish of us list of examples below a... You make with concrete evidence: all of these noises echo in the emptiness of my.... ) can back up any statements you make with concrete evidence ways to do it now... When it doesn ’ t point out techniques, rather discuss the difference well but something ( lot. Essay: Ten atypical poetry films ; poems think only two are on the reader or listener in 1927 Google! This poet is worth a closer look is worth a closer look an entire verse ”, “ don t! Subject, as arrogant not useful in terms of poets covered, fact...

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