The curriculum was designed to develop young people into logical and reasonable-minded civil servants. His brother Joseph became infatuated with a girl named Desiree Clary. France soon enough went to war against Austria, Prussia, and the German States in the War of the First Coalition and abolished the monarchy in September 1792. When did organ music become associated with baseball? The changes brought prosperity to France, as well as stability. Napoleon crowned himself Emperor of France and Josephine as empress. same. Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites, In the 1700s, France was considered the most advanced. Revolutionaries in France took the threat seriously and prepared for war. Before the revolution, ownership of rank and title was increasingly dependent upon money rather than birth, and this money … The Tokugawa Period and the Beginnings of Meiji, Exploration, Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution, Absolutism: England Develops a Limited Monarchy, Paper 1 Review - Peacekeeping, Peacemaking & International Relations, Peacemaking, Peacekeeping – International Relations 1918 – 1936, THE COLD WAR: DEVELOPMENTS IN THE AMERICAS, Document Analysis: Identifying Point of View, Discussion & Debating: Skills & Etiquette, Analyzing Photographs, Maps, Graphs and Charts, Lady Gaga Parody and the French Revolution, Crash Course History on The French Revolution, 03MultimediarubricforG10DBQassignment (1).docx, Multimedia Rubric G10 DBQ French Revolution Assignment.pdf. Louis XVI tried to raise taxes on the rich but they refused to pay. He eventually lost control of Portugal. They were most directly involved with the state of food and they strongly felt the effects of the food shortage in Paris. The problem was how to get rid of Desiree. Additionally, France’s involvement in the American Revolution, along with extravagant spending practices by King Louis XV… When Napoleon arrived on the coast of France troops welcomed his appeals to give him a chance to restore France’s glory. 4. The three main causes of French revolution are as follows: 1. They groaned under heavy taxes and forced labour. There is religious conflict. Since 1789, the Émigré had scattered throughout Europe. The National Convention was grateful and promoted him to general. Economic Cause. Does Matthew Gray Gubler do a voice in the Disney movie Tangled? Her name was Emilie. There is no standard in France for measuring goods, which makes trade and business difficult. Napoleon was born in 1769 in Corsica. All church officials were now paid by the state; they could not collect taxes (tithes – 10% of commoners’ income); and the church had to give up all land to the state. Old Regime Third Estate, Declaration of the Rights of Man Jacobins, Directory Sans-culottes, The Great Fear The Terror Napoleonic Code, émigré constitutional monarchy. At first, they waited, monitoring the situation in France closely. 5. ideals in many countries. What was Joshua s age when Caleb was 85 years? As a result, efforts were made to incorporate Enlightenment The women were armed with pikes, and they stormed the Palace at Versailles on October 6. The Continental System: Europe created a trade blockade of Britain, which drove prices up in Europe. The Directory called upon Napoleon for assistance. Some suggest that it was still flourishing after the efforts of the Council of Trent (1545-63) to reform and revitalise the Church, as witnessed by its well-educated clergy, numerous and varied religious orders, and renewed forms of worship. Britain and Russia were still poised against France in Europe and Napoleon’s army was devastated. How many inches tall is a sixteen Oz monster energy can? That means the First and Second Estates outvoted 97% of the population by a vote of 2-1. The French Revolution was a period of radical social and political upheaval in France that had a major impact. C. Louis XVI. Social Cause 3. How did European monarchs and nobles feel about the french revolution? Napoleon chose to hold another plebiscite and won overwhelming support again. France also couldn’t reach its colonies. 1. Napoleon knew he had to make the government effective so that chaos and mob rule didn’t develop further. He disagreed, so the Third Estate declared itself the National Assembly. Slavery exists in the colonies, but was necessary as part of the colonial economies. Napoleon returned from the Russian campaign to a devastated French population. The school system was open to all citizens. Two events led to his growing fame. why did europeon rulers and nobles denounce the French Revolution? Napoleon also wrote the Concordat. The measure came one year after King Louis XVI Over time, French King Louis XVI slowly lost power, the popular assemblies took control and violence broke out in Paris and throughout the countryside. Napoleon felt that himself as ruler would maintain stability. How did MONARCHS maintain and justify their power? The king’s brother and leading figure in the émigrés movement — the Comte d’Artois — had moved his court to Koblenz, a German city in the Rhineland near the French border. So, Napoleon marched into the Orangerie and ordered them to sign a paper creating a provisional government - it is known as the coup of 18 Brumaire (November9, 1799). Napoleon went back to Corsica to start a revolutionary movement (got the idea from the French Revolution around him). Trafalgar: The French and Spanish navies were destroyed at Trafalgar, which left Spain furious with France and France’s coastline vulnerable to English attack from the sea. Crossing the Nieman River/ Vilna: Napoleon wanted a big battle and quick victory, but didn’t get it here. Citizens are mostly illiterate. How many row does Boeing has for 744 jet for economy class? D. Marie Antoinette. There was some small fighting. There were three main points: There were also criminal, commercial (business), and punishment laws (trials). France was once again a monarchy with an empire in Europe and around the world. She eventually gave birth to Napoleon II, the King of Rome. Fathers could legally put disobedient children in jail for (under 16 years for one month; over 16 years for six months). Which accurately describe events leading to the Scientific Revolution? Catholic ever since Louis XIV did away with the Edict of Nantes. The Directory was unpopular, and would later allow Bonaparte to take control of France. Napoleon was thinking about taking control and waiting for his chance. He wanted a temporary government set up. Most of his best-trained soldiers were dead after the Russian failure. The economy of France fell apart and there were food shortages. These “nobles of the sword” tended to view most of their countrymen, including the lesser nobility, as vulgar upstarts. Which do you think may have been the more dire causes? The Estates are social classes consisting of: the First, Second, and Third Estates. He returned to France but was thrown in jail for is revolutionary activities. were shocked and appalled at what had happened in France. He formed a young and old, inexperienced army. This angered commoners. The French Monarchs had unlimited power and they declared themselves as the “Representative of God”. The European monarchs were joined in their vigil by the Fre… Religious freedoms, however, were protected by law. Ever since Edmund Burke, 170 years ago, dipped his pen in vitriol to blast the Revolution in its infancy, generation after generation of Frenchmen, with occasional support from other … He wealthy noble husband had been beheaded during the Terror. In addition, supply lines were stretched out thinly. The more autocratic nobles were against it, the more liberal ones less so, or even favorable. He had a brought a great culture to France, but he had also caused economic and religious problems. Not long after Julie and Joseph were married. They wanted the people to be sovereign in France as well so that France would continue to be one of the great countries of the world. In the political system of pre-Revolutionary France, the nobility made up the Second Estate of the Estates General (with the Catholic clergy comprising the First Estate and the bourgeoisie and peasants in the Third Estate). Napoleon wanted to punish Russia for breaking the Continental System. people questioned the rule by divine right of European monarchs people believed the government was no . The National Assembly thought they could restore control through laws. The clergy (First Estate) and the rich (Second Estate) each got one vote in the Estates-General (kind of like Congress). Education had major changes. Mayors were appointed and public works programs were started. 7. Describe the status of the nobles in France before the revolution. As for their claims to being "revolutionary," these monarchies were "born" in the French Revolution, and paid "lip service" to "Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite." The Catholic Church was reorganized and became the state religion of France. Rights and Obligations: people had certain rights and freedoms but had to follow contractual and inheritance laws. Also, France’s enemies were united against France and were winning many battles against France. She eventually became pregnant. The whole country fell into violence and chaos. There was great unrest in France, caused by bad harvests, high, prices, high taxes, and disturbing questions raised by the Enlightenment ideas. He had to rebuild it. This made his retreat difficult. Why did the European monarchs during the French Revolution fear the "French Plague"? 6. Who resisted the ideas of the Declaration of the Rights of Man? An angry mob of 30,000 people gathered outside of the National Convention, angry at the lack of voting power, bread shortages and financial state of the country. From there he imagined himself returning to France with an army of loyal roy Many of them felt that democracy was the best way for this to happen. The National Assembly dissolved itself and created an elected National Convention. This caused Napoleon to deploy numerous troops to the Iberian peninsula. However, he became angry with his partner and left Corsica, with his family, and declared himself a Frenchman. Napoleon now knew he could procreate and gave Josephine the boot and sent her to a country estate. New liberal laws were created (property, individual rights, universal male suffrage). Louis XIV had had total power for 72 years. Who were the emigres? They both thought the other was financially stable. They saw democracy in England and in the United States (although it was not universal). Spain and the Iberian Peninsula. It decided curriculum, salary of teachers, licenses, promotion and the books used. The major powers were Britain, Russia, Austria and Prussia. Napoleon created over 2300 articles of laws. They feared this might encourage people in their countries to do the … (this was justified as she had a number of lovers over the years) The problem for Napoleon was that Josephine couldn’t have children. He began placing family members on various thrones of Europe. History. They had many of problems. While thinking about the reliability of them, find out where you might possibly be - as a teenager - on the world's wealth spectrum. On October 5, six thousand Parisian women marched out of the city toward Versailles. Russia underwent severe economic strain and eventually began trading with Britain. Napoleon had complete control of France and complete support of the people. The medieval people believed that the king was in charge because God had chosen him to. The Directory abolished slavery, but only gave voting power to male property owners. Peace had been made with the church and Britain – France’s strongest enemy. It had three groups, but the most powerful were the Jacobins. They also thought that the king was above the law. Scanned and prepared for the Marxist Internet Archive by Paul Flewers. People in the Polish court – an even her aged husband – encouraged her to divorce and marry Napoleon, to rid Poland of the Russian hold. Earlier that year Italy sold Corsica to France. When Louis XVI became king, the French government was in debt. The situation: Things have gone back to a more relaxed atmosphere after Robspierre’s death, but wages are out of control and are getting lower. (he refused indirectly by stalling on his answer) Napoleon thus went after Marie-Louise, the Austrian grand-niece of Marie Antoinette. The French Revolution was a wakeup call to European monarchs who Many of the people in France, especially the poor and middle class, wanted to set up that type of government for themselves. In addition, his public works programs were largely funded by stealing from other nations that the Grand Armee conquered. A general meeting in Vienna, Austria was held by the powers of Europe to make changes in Europe after Napoleon. Regardless, Napoleon fell head over heels for Josephine. France had an absolute monarch. He got control of the port through skilled decisions and motivating his troops. Louis XVI and his family were now prisoners of the revolution. Beginning in 1789, the French Revolution saw the French people overthrow their absolute monarchy and bring about a republic that … This made the Protestants hate their government. (3) The balance of power was restored, so no nation was too powerful. The Third Estate demanded that votes be spread evenly: not one vote per social class, but one vote per person. Vitebsk: Half of Napoleon’s army had died or deserted, and Napoleon still didn’t have his major battle. The French won and he became known for ‘saving the revolution’ and being ‘good at war’. _____spoke out in favor of women's rights. Is there a way to search all eBay sites for different countries at once? They initiated wage controls and price controls. Napoleon Bonaparte would be a key figure in this. She was fifteen years old and married to a Polish count in his 70s. Many soldiers agreed to protect the women on this march. (the man was expected to do the asking) That was the end of Desiree. In 1829-30 Greece gained its independence, giving hope to other groups in Europe. Nobility is a social class normally ranked immediately below royalty and found in some societies that have a formal aristocracy.Nobility has often been an estate of the realm that possessed more acknowledged privilege and higher social status than most other classes in society. The revolution did not suddenly change France from a society where position and power depended on birth, custom, and being obsequious to the king, nor did it usher in an entirely new era of government being run by skilled professionals instead of noble amateurs. The three Bourbon French Monarchy that mainly contributes to the French Revolution are: Louis XIV, Louis XV, and Louis XVI. In addition, there were food shortages. Absolutism within France was a political system associated with kings such as Louis XIII and, more particularly, Louis XIV. Factions. Napoleon was sent to Nice after receiving a promotion. He created a new constitution and new government, but the government had no power. Absolute monarchs in the 17th century begin to build the structure of a powerful, military, bureaucratic, modern state. They didn’t want an absolute monarch and they didn’t want to the First and Second Estate to have more of a say than they did. Absolute rule meant that the power of the monarch was, … The country of France had helped the Americans fight against the British in the American Revolution. This caused Napoleon to finalize his (two-year-old) invasion plans. The Third Estate thought that it was being treated unfairly. Like any teenager, Napoleon was attracted to the opposite sex. King Louis XVI called the Estates General together to ask their opinion on raising taxes. (4) All former ruling families would be restored to their thrones. More and more decided to leave France and join the exiled nobles, the Émigré. Smolensk: Peasants began rallying against Napoleon’s invading army; more and more of Napoleon’s troops were dying. They felt that everyone should pay taxes and that this tax policy was an unfair treatment of the Third Estate. They wanted a government where they had religious freedom. He even changed his name to Bonaparte. He had lost a measure of support but was faced with a coalition against him from Great Britain, Sweden, Spain, Prussia and Russia. However, the appearance of success was, deceiving. He fell for the girl in the family he boarded with. A coalition was formed to fight against France, to keep the revolution from spreading through Europe. The newly created Legislative Assembly wanted to spread the revolution across Europe. The revolutionaries had no choice … However, there were problems. Napoleon asked for the hand of the fifteen year old, but was turned down. Fathers had the power to allow or disallow their children to marry a person. Tens of thousands of men died, but it was still not a decisive battle. Workers unions were illegal. His first love he had met after he moved his family to Toulon from Corsica (his father had died and the family income declined significantly). A variety of _____ with different views competed for power in revolutionary Paris. During the reign of the monarchs in France, there were three Estates, with everyone belonging to one. People: All people were not equal before the law. Instantly he was opposed by another coalition of England, Austria, Prussia and Russia. Napoleon’s conquests in Europe led to the spread of revolutionary ideas throughout the continent. How did the Scientific Revolution impact people’s views about absolute monarchies and government? He was now in position to make many changes in France. They knew about the new and better type of government that had been set up in the United States. Also, Napoleon established a secret police to watch over potential enemies of the state. Although the French and American people had several distinct and differing motives for revolting against their ruling governments, some similar causes led to both revolutions, including the following:Economic struggles: Both the Americans and French dealt with a taxation system they found discriminating and unfair. The Directory became an oligarchy and was hated by commoners. The country was economically unstable, the government was weak, and people rioted against the corrupt government. Food was burning along with parts of the city. Protestants in France were also persecuted. It had a large population and a prosperous foreign trade. In 1791, the monarchs of Austria and Prussia issued the Declaration of Pilnitz, in which they threatened to intervene to protect the French monarchy. Napoleon had left early to stop an uprising in Paris. Political Cause 2. The Church owned land and individuals took care of this land for them, however they were not responsible for paying taxes on this land. The French Revolution was a major event in the history of Western societies, and has had a profound effect on the world today. When the Revolution began, aristocratic opinion varied. Single women could not be a legal guardian of a child or witness a legal document. How did European monarchs and nobles feel about the French Revolution? Name:_____ Date: _____ Block: French Revolution Webquest We have learned about absolutism and how monarchs abused their power in Europe. people questioned the rule by divine right of European monarchs people believed the government was no . Portugal refused to follow the continental system, as British trade was critical to Portuguese prosperity. This was short-lived as her father hated the French National Convention – “those murderous men” who ruled France. By the beginning of October 1789, most women could no longer feed their children, let alone themselves. Wives were given an inferior status. The southern port was under fire from European powers and French royalists. However, his father eventually got a job with the French government. The metric system (the one used today) was introduced to make commerce and trade more efficient. The strong appeal of noble status and values was a force working generally against the pursuit of wealth and the investment that was to lead, precociously and exceptionally in Britain, to the Industrial Revolution. On and off Napoleon had different affairs, though he likely still loved Josephine deeply, in spite of his distrust of her. In response to this, a wave of conservatism spread among monarchs and their states. They knew that in the US all people were equal, that there was no king, and that people had rights and freedoms. The Third Estate, which was 97% of the population, only got one vote. He became a hero. (1) Those who supported Napoleon had territory taken from them. Monarchy - Monarchy - Premodern monarchies: During the Middle Ages, European monarchies underwent a process of evolution and transformation. He knew they couldn’t agree, so she had no choice but to break it off. She needed cash and knew how to make men fall for her. Although membership in the noble class was mainly inherited, it was not a fully closed order. (Select all that apply.) feared this might encourage people in their countries to do the He was soundly defeated and sent to a final exile to the remote island of St. Helena (off the western coast of Africa). Desiree’s parents weren’t keen on their other daughter marrying a poor captain of the army. In the mid to late 1700s, France was a mess. He was reluctant to fight, but had to make a stand near the town of Waterloo in today’s Belgium. He strongly supported monarchy. 3. Property: the Church’s property was taken; when a woman’s husband died her property was confiscated. New individuals were appointed to the nobility by the monarchy, or they could … Which accurately describe events leading to the Scientific Revolution? Borodino: This was the first major battle against Russia, and the bloodiest of the 1800s. Humiliated, Louis XVI agreed to return to Paris where he would manage the food problem himself. It was hot in Europe’s interior, which put a strain on men and supplies. _____ Religious Intolerance _____ Social Injustice _____ Unpopular Method of Rule, _____ Enlightenment Ideas _____ Economic Distress _____ Nationalism. (Select all that apply.) History of Europe - History of Europe - Nobles and gentlemen: Between persistent poverty and the prevailing aristocratic spirit several connections can be made. Napoleon brought with him two regiments of soldiers, which made the council angry and refused him. In Revolutionary France, the Legislative Assembly votes to abolish the monarchy and establish the First Republic. They rioted and attacked the Bastille (a symbol of royal oppression). He replaced the old French laws, which were mixed with Roman, Church and local customs. The Congress met with a number of purposes. Click on the source to continue reading on the situation in France. What differentiated the monarchies of France and its allies from other European monarchies was that the "monarchs" were "nouveaux riches," (nouveau empowered, actually) as opposed to "established" monarchs. Abbott (Emmanuel Joseph) Sieyes, a clergyman and political theorist, suggested that he use the army for a coup. Napoleon made himself First Consul, but had named two other Consuls, to make it seem like they worked together. (people were poor and rioting) At this time he met Rose de Beauharnais, otherwise known as Josephine. What was the Declaration of Plintz? What kind of government did the Constitution of 1791 set up? Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? Napoleon sent a cruel letter saying he wanted her mother and brother to agree to their marriage immediately. People were angry at the Directory because it was corrupt. Answer: The clergy and the nobles led a life of luxury and enjoyed numerous privileges. Below the nobility of the sword came the “nobility of the robe,” including the justices of the parlements and other courts and a host of other officials. European Monarchs React to the French Revolution. Napoleon’s conquests led to a spread of French revolutionary ideas. Austerlitz: Napoleon got control of Central Europe and peace terms with Austria and Russia through his victory at Austerlitz. Political Cause: During the eighteen the Century France was the centre of autocratic monarchy. Did Britney Spears cheat on Justin Timberlake? With only 6,000 troops and a few cannons he dispersed the crowd by shooting grapeshot at them. A monarch was a welcome change, as it would bring much more centralized, decisive government to the country. After Napoleon’s defeat these ideas were suppressed by reactionaries and conservatives. The March into Moscow: Napoleons marched into an empty city. Napoleon and her sister Julie acted as chaperones. Over 30,000 people were beheaded. Napoleon’s Temperament During Childhood and Youth. Napoleon felt that he couldn’t marry a divorced woman already pregnant with his child, so he strung along Waleska as he sought the Russian Czar’s younger sister. He returned to France and resumed his affair with Desiree. So the gov’t of France no longer had enough money. Paris was in a state of confusion at this time. He believed in using force to crush uprisings – and did. How does mobility effect diffusion rates. In 1807 he was rolling through Poland and met the beautiful Maria Waleska, a countess. He had control over the newspapers, government and the army. What would you describe as long-term and short-term causes? Still, Europe had to be re-organized after Napoleon’s defeat. They ran away confused. Napoleon was quick tempered; laughed at for his Corsican accent and strange appearance; anti-social (and a little paranoid that people laughed at him); good at Math, History and Geography (good military-related subjects); thought he was superior and had a big ego; and very patriotic to Corsica. a limited monarchy (constitutional) how did european monarchs and nobles feel about the french revolution they opposed it because they feared the revolution would spread how did the national assembly hope to pay off the national debt Create a national plan that gives solutions for what you think are the problems in the following statement. Napoleon called a heavily attacked battery “The Battery of the Fearless” and fought along with his men, which commanded respect. In fact, it was the Directory alone that had decision-making power. There were 83 departments established. Napoleon Buonaparti’s father wanted revenge and for his children to fight for Corsican independence (strong influence). The conservative forces led to a struggle between liberalism and nationalism. There he wrote his memoirs. There were four main decisions made. The Third Estate didn’t like this type of government. The king's power was limited due to lords and wealthy churchmen. Important politicians such as Cardinal Richilieu were staunch supporters of absolutism. Historians are divided over the strength of Catholicism in late eighteenth-century France. Monarchs around Europe saw this as a threat. Napoleon decided against a coup, and instead had the government moved away from the Paris mobs, to Saint-Cloud. The Directory was overthrown and. After reading, consider which of the paragraphs above relate to the following "causes". In the struggle between liberal and conservative ideas, Prince Klemens von Metternich of Austria led the charge. Others trace a period of decline, with a small but noticeable decrease in religious observance in the decades before the Revolution. Louis XIV had spent money on wars and parties but had only taxed the Third Estate. A new education system was introduced, too, but not for everyone. How did European monarchs and nobles feel about the french revolution. His family didn’t want him to crown Josephine empress, and the Pope was against him becoming emperor. In April 1792, France declared war on Austria. People rose up against the monarchy because Louis had brought troops to the assembly. The French Revolution was a wakeup call to European monarchs who were shocked and appalled at what had happened in France. When finished, look at UN statistics for annual income by country. His first job was to create a set of laws that were logical and clearly understood by the common people. But the most advanced the how did european monarchs and nobles view the french revolution? toward Versailles over France due to bread shortages and hardships on source. 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how did european monarchs and nobles view the french revolution? 2021