David Young was mentally troubled throughout his life, but, for a time, he was able to focus on his career. They brought with them hundreds of copies of Zero Equals Infinity, 9 handguns, 4 rifles, and a gasoline bomb in a grocery cart with a shoelace trigger attached to David’s wrist. At first, authorities dismissed their claims as the panicked ramblings of frightened children but soon, as the children’s stories began to merge and meld and evidence began to stack up in their favor, they began to realize that indeed something miraculous had just occurred in Cokeville. Socrates concluded, just as we must, “As for me, all I know is that I know nothing.”. Both David and Doris had ties to white supremacist groups, including the Posse Comitatus and the Aryan Nations.. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Upon entering, many realized something was amiss, especially as David began distributing and reading from his manifesto. Young had tested an identical bomb inside an old school bus. After being fired for misconduct, he moved to Tucson, Arizona, where he married Doris Young.. This creation was, and is, a concept; a thought or idea, neither right or wrong (left) but a way among ways. As the children were being sheltered, the drama inside the school continued to unfold. Analysis of the scene revealed that much of the force had been directed upward. For the better part of the interim then, men played with Man making love, fire, food, mores, children, Gods, language, tools, wastes, etc: combinations of divers sorts, in almost as many directions (purposes). And two weeks prior to the incident, the volunteer fire department had, for the first time, practiced for how to treat the elementary school if it were to catch on fire. The Billings Gazette explained how one child’s story played out: “Lori Nate was thrown back against the wall. Teachers shouted for everyone to get down, and a dark cloud of black smoke filled the room as chaos ensued. One child, named Nathan, explained what happened to him at that precise moment: “I was sitting in the classroom playing with a toy when something made me look up. Will I see my family again?’ I was really … They began lifting children out of a blown-out window and instructing them. 4 Comments | Post or read comments . The imortal Greek told us, showed us, and taught us the limitations of knowledge and we killd him for it, not merely one individual once, but in all this nonsense we’ve engaged in since. Cokeville, Wyoming is a peaceful town and a ranching community located in Lincoln Country, Wyoming, USA. If you haven't seen the show, or at least heard about the story, here's a synopsis: An elementary school is held hostage by… The newly married Youngs then left Cokeville for Tucson, Arizona. A Wyoming town called Cokeville, wasn’t even on the map un t il an astounding miracle took place one day. If you ask residents of the town how such a thing could happen, they will look you in the eye, smile, and answer in one word – Angels. by Altered Dimensions. Meanwhile, across town a teenage girl rushed into the Town Hall shouting that her father had taken a large bomb into the local elementary school. She said, “Don’t be scared, Nathan. Although cast with an intense Mormon tone, I found some interesting themes that pertain to me as a heathen. David Young was the only police officer in Cokeville for 6 months in 1979. The radiant apparition assured them that the crisis was almost over and they would be just fine. The Cokeville Miracle (2015) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Cokeville Wyoming was the sight of a parent's worst nightmare on May 16th, 1986 when a mentally disturbed man and his wife entered an elementary school with guns and a homemade gasoline bomb. While severely injured, Miller would later recover. Therefore, rather than learn the reality and limitations of knowledge, we refute truth with some age old axiom (bullets conquer stone axes), note the bobbing heads of surrounding bigots (99.9% of everyone) and return without doubt or question to selfish, self-centered, egotistical sub systems and social specific cultures fromwhich we otherwise might free ourselves. He calmly raised the .45 and shot her. Shortly after David went to the adjoining bathroom, Doris attempted to direct a student – and set off the bomb in the process. 8 talking about this. © 2018 The Occult Museum.com | All Rights Reserved. It was amazing to me.”. This week’s Coronavirus bill starts a 180-day countdown for full UFO disclosures to the nation from USA’s defense agencies. As a matter of record, therefore, some 2400+ years ago, Socrates, and individual, addressed himself to an evolving concept called knowledge. Tensions were running high, and many in the tiny classroom began to pray. The book is well written and well paced. They came across a picture that she had never seen before. They were shiny, with flowing white robes. This knowledge of ‘nothing’ then is all we have for all the lessons of history, these 2400+ years, Christ, revolutions, insurance, relativity, moon and space probes, cruesades and inquisitions, Shakespeare, Newton, medical science, hydrogen, fusion, metalurgy, Hitler, electricity, government and law, etc.? The authors children were in the school so they are writing of their own experiences. Bomb technician Rich Haskell studied bombs in the Marine Corp and had completed improvised explosives training at Redstone Arsenal near Huntsville, Alabama. Etched into the wall, just behind the blast area, was the burnt outline of a large, human-shaped figure with what looked to be wings extending from the sides of its body. Below is the complete text of David Young’s rambling “manifesto”. Jennie Sorensen Johnson reported a teacher helping her flee the burning classroom, only to recognize the figure much later in life as her long-dead great-aunt. The Cokeville Miracle. Yes, the bomb did explode and it exploded in a room packed full of children, but the only persons to die that day were Mr. Young and his wife. As a result, the blast, which should have leveled the entire wing, had gone straight up – and so minimized human harm. One student was celebrating their birthday, so everyone sang “Happy Birthday,” but it did not lift the mood. “I just expected to see dead bodies every place,” he said. The True Story of the Cokeville Miracle. I felt totally safe. Try our monthly plan today. Haskell related how he had been “taught certain things” but was not active in his faith. CNN wrote: “That every child and adult was spared in the bombing is nothing short of a miracle.”. Rich knew what bombs could do to buildings – and people. We are all ONE and ‘we’ came apart to do ‘this’ for something ‘to do’ in Nothing and Infinity.”, David G. Young 4/th Wct. The bombing of Cokeville Elementary shook the small community to its core – and yet vibrated with the power of their Mormon faith. And they were all doing that. Christensen with my family. Sign up for the Altered Dimensions newsletter and receive the latest on science and tech news, new product notifications, exclusive features, and more. That’s when I saw the angels. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! He wore a pair of six-shooters on his hips. Chronicle. ), a disciplines observing the singular rule that a fact becomes knowledge when it can be proved. However, most had been sitting near the windows and doors, so teachers and staff began shoving students out of the room. “But I didn’t.”. The Cokeville hostage crisis began the afternoon of May 16, 1986, David and Doris Young took 154 children and adults hostage at the Cokeville Elementary School in tiny Cokeville, Wyo. The woman, Doris Young, did most of the talking and explained to the classroom full of people that they were starting a revolution and that each child in the room was required to pay $2 million dollars (investigators later discovered that the money was to be put into a “fund” that the Young’s would use after they were reincarnated). TRUTH! 16K likes. David Young, hearing the explosion, rushed back into the room with a .45 pistol in one hand and a .22 in the other. Even lead investigator Ron Hartley’s son pointed to an image of his grandmother as the angel who’d protected him in the fire. Zodiac “340 Cipher” cracked 51 years after it was mailed to the S.F. Scientists uncover new Nazca drawing – a 2,000-year-old etching of a giant cat in he Nazca Desert. Years later, Jennie Johnson, the student who blacked out and was carried from the burning room, was looking through an old photo album with her grandmother. Although the request seemed strange, the teachers complied and soon the 30 foot by 30 foot room was packed full of all 154 children and 13 teachers. To their surprise, experts discovered that only one of the bomb’s five blasting caps had gone off. Learn how your comment data is processed. Emergency management coordinator Kathy Davison instructed the town clerk to call dispatchers. For instance, the town was full of emergency responders who happened to be in the area working a flood that had occurred the week before. They know each other by name, leave their doors unlocked at night, and proudly proclaim that the Cokeville Elementary School is the town’s biggest employer. Some children reported seeing an angel hovering over the heads of each child in the room while many of the children later told how their personal guardian had whispered in their ear, “a disaster will happen but do not be afraid, your life will be spared”. When they refused to participate, David held them at gunpoint while his daughter and wife handcuffed them inside their van. Here we confront what we thought we pursued all these years, what we should have remembered from 2400 years ago. Sign up for the Altered Dimensions newsletter and periodically receive the latest Christian news, Bible study articles, modern-day life lessons, new product announcements, and more. The Cokeville hostage crisis began the afternoon of May 16, 1986, when David and Doris Young took 154 children and adults hostage at the Cokeville Elementary School in tiny Cokeville, Wyo. Fresh off this experience and sensitive to the impact of talking about heavy topics, a friend looped me into a Facebook thread about a new movie coming out in June called "The Cokeville Miracle." In 1986 in a quiet, rural town, two people armed with a bomb entered the community’s elementary school. But the final, conclusive explanation came as the smoke cleared from the room. What an inspiration. The diabolical trick we’ve otherwise learned (internalizesd) is realitivity; when in Rome do as the Romans, when doing math do as the mathematicians, when fighting a thermonuclear war, discard spears and arrows for the thermonuclear devises, etc. And he demanded a ransom of $2 million per child. The bomb exploded prematurely, sending her flying across the room “like a flaming torch”. Investigators found that the bomb had been – perhaps miraculously – broken. Jennie said afterward, that she had not run outside but rather, someone had carried her – someone she had never met before.”. How is this to be? After earning a degree in criminal justice at Chadron State College in Nebraska, he was hired as Cokeville’s town marshal in the 1970s. Speaking with Spirits: The Fox Sisters and the Birth of Spiritualism, 21 People Share Their Scariest Encounters with the Supernatural, Devilish Dealings: 5 Legendary Encounters with the Devil throughout History, Demons Within: The Life, Death and Exorcism of Anneliese Michel, The Exorcist: Father Theophilus Riesinger and the Possession of Anna Ecklund, The Seven Most Infamous and Dangerous Cult Leaders in Modern History, Underworld: 5 Legendary Gateways to Hell You Can Actually Visit, Hex Hollow: The Murder of Nelson Rehmeyer, 7 Sinister True Ghost Stories To Read In The Dark. She crawled for the door. Some recollect being thrown completely across the room, smashing into the walls. Christensen comes The Cokeville Miracle, the remarkable true story of a town facing a terrible tragedy, and the Sheriff’s investigator who struggles with his faith as he gathers evidence that defies easy explanation. In addition, the container holding the gasoline had sprung a leak turning the volatile powder in the tuna fish cans into a paste. Other children claimed that during the entire episode, a large angel stood near David and Doris Young, between the children and the bomb, with its wings spread for protection. Then, she blacked out. Young, on the other hand, suddenly retreated into the bathroom and shot himself dead. Many reported not being able to recognize anyone, as the students were covered in black soot. The wires to the other four caps were mysteriously cut. The Young’s believed that a community that loved its children, with strong roots in the Church, would listen to their demands – and comply. The answer to this concern regarding the nothingness of knowledge is rather yes and no. On May 16, 1986, in the small, ranching community of Cokeville, Wy, David and Doris Young took an elementary school hostage for several hours before detonating a bomb inside a single classroom that held every teacher and student in the school. The heat of the summer day made the crowded room feel even smaller, and fumes from the gasoline bomb made everyone sick. Teachers then got permission to bring in books, art supplies, games, and a television to keep the children calm. During his six months in that position, he met and married local waitress and singer Doris Waters. When she ran out the school’s side door, she realized she didn’t know where her younger brother, Kevin, was. The children’s “wild tales” had just been fortified with physical evidence. Cokeville is known for the hostage crisis that took place on May 16, 1986. Doris even tried to soothe the students’ nerves by telling them to think of the day as a story or an adventure movie. Since then, the story has become a local legend, with several variants emerging, including tales of an angelic outline in the shrapnel. By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. As tensions mounted, some of the younger children began to edge towards David Young. Two hours later, the bomb exploded but only two deaths associated with the incident occurred - the mad man and his wife. "If you don't believe there was divine intervention, then you weren't there that day." I can remember when this happened and the outcome. The events began unfolding just after lunch on May 16, 1986 when an unknown woman walked from classroom to classroom, interrupting the teachers lessons, and announcing that there was an emergency in Room 2 and that the teachers should rush the children there right away. In a portending sign of the times, Wall Street is now betting on the future of water supplies. Outside, parents surged at police lines to reach their children and shouted their names. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. And the gasoline fumes had made some of the children sick. In so doing, he only hit one person – music teacher John Miller, who’d been helping others escape. Doris went room to room, gathering students and faculty with claims of a surprise assembly. As he read his nonsensical manifesto, “Zero Equals Infinity,” children began to cry, including Williams. The film was based on the Cokeville Elementary School hostage crisis in 1986 and the book The Cokeville Miracle: When Angels Intervene by Hartt Wixom and Judene Wixom. The Cokeville Wyoming Miracle. Only the man and his wife , who accidentally detonated the bomb, died that day in 1986. Altogether, 154 people gathered in that claustrophobic, 30 by 32-foot room, including 136 children, 9 teachers, 6 staff, a job applicant, and a UPS driver. On May 16, 1986, he and his wife, Doris, invaded a classroom at Cokeville Elementary School and held 136 children and 17 teachers hostage with a crudely built homemade bomb. Online shopping from a great selection at Movies & TV Store. As was suggested at the beginning of this writting, Man is an invention, he is lots of individuals. for our own actions (no Man, family clan, village, town, city, state, government, or religion condoning withholding the above noted original and innate freedoms) we will collectively evolve into the next step of wherever it is we’re going (Nowhere in the REALITY of 0-[infinity] but still a long way from achieving it.). "If you don't believe there was divine intervention, then you weren't there that day." Behind him, leaning against the chalkboard, were a line of guns – four rifles and nine handguns. Young, a former Cokeville town marshall fired for misconduct years earlier, had returned to start a revolution and create a “brave new world” where he would be leader. David planned to negotiate with then-President Ronald Reagan before setting off a bomb that would take them all to a new world where he would reign supreme. Katherine Payne recalled her dead grandmother telling her to listen to her brother, who then instructed her to wait by the window shortly before the bomb blast. To find out more, click here. Although well-made and intentioned, “The Cokeville Miracle” obviously wants to push the miraculous aspects of a hostage situation that occurred in Cokeville… Their experience was honed over the next two weeks as an electrical short in the school’s alarm kept setting it off initiating a series of unplanned, but beneficial, fire drills. As the hostage situation dragged on for several hours, teachers busied the children with videos, stories, and songs but of course, their little minds inevitably wandered back to the situation at hand. Nothing? As soon as the children began arriving into the arms of frantic parents and waiting emergency workers, their excited stories began. On a sunny Friday afternoon in 1986, the unthinkable happened in the small town of Cokeville, Wyoming. He found his wife engulfed in flames, staggering around the room. As reporters converged on Cokeville, another story emerged. When the bomb was triggered a miracle took place – guardian angels saving the lives of the innocent. Cokeville Miracle Foundation. Just happened upon this film as I continue to wait out the pandemic in Alaska. While 2 plus 2 equals 4 (and there would have been no men put on the moon if it hadn’t) it might just as well equal 22 or many (‘primitive’ tribes frequently respond thus to any mathematical concept above 3) or various other concepts that are easier to ignore than to realize, know, and internalize. The book tells the amazing true story of a crazy man and his wife who brought a bomb into an elementary school in Cokeville, Wyoming in 1986. At the same time, parents and authorities gathered on the opposite side of the school. Some said a “beautiful woman” had advised them to go stand near the window. Standing in the middle of the room was a raggedy, scruffy-looking man with wild eyes, arms resting on a shopping cart threaded with dozens of wires and filled with metal and other material that a witness recalled “smelled like gasoline”. “That’s the lady,” she said, “She was the one that was there with me.” Her grandmother explained that she couldn’t have known her. Instead, the Cokeville Miracle had begun. Rather or not individuals ultimately exist (and what we mean by asking that question) is matter for another writting, it will presently suffice to remember that we still singularly (individually) conceive and perceive in the ever-present. Were we to continue, however, the invextigation of knowledge, we’d need to internalize Socrates’; All I know is that I know nothing. The experience was especially intense for those who had prayed. Although not quite for the reasons the unstable Doris Young believed, as it turned out, her proclamation would indeed ring true. At the same time, adults and children alike reported feeling embraced by a warm blanket while waiting in the classroom. --- Scott Miller "Witness to Miracles" The events began unfolding just after lunch on May 16, 1986 when an unknown woman walked from classroom to classroom, interrupting the teachers lessons, and announcing that there was an emergency in Room 2and that the teachers should rush the children there right away. From T.C. [easy-social-share buttons=”facebook,twitter,google,pinterest,print,mail” counters=0 style=”icon” message=”yes”]. Still, in 2400 years, 24,000 years, or 240,000 eons, there is truth-relativity and TRUTH. I've driven past Cokeville, Wyoming, but never knew about the madman and his wife who held an elementary school hostage in 1986. 0=[infinity], Zero (or Nothing) Equals the Infinite. Get up and go to the window. Socrates, reputed to be the wisest man of his time, investigated the basis of knowledge in a manner still available (Plato wrote it down and it survives), still as viable, and still as conclusive as it was 2400+ years ago. Is This The Most Sinister Ghost Picture Ever Taken? The Cokeville Miracle hits theatres Friday June 5 th. Believing 2 plus 2 equals 4 hardly invalidates Knowing 0=[infinity]. One surviving teacher recalls: “The kids were sitting in circles, and, as I looked over at them, you could see the circles would be saying a prayer. Now people come and people go, but always as people, no longer as individuals from which people had risen (or succumb). Be this as it may, knowledge and its attendant proofs remain but a way among ways. The man's name was David Young, a former town marshal. The Knowledge of Nothing is all there is (to know), but 99.9% of us don’t even know that. The Cokeville Miracle recounts the real story of those involved in the incident when a real life terrorist took a a school full of children and a few teachers hostage. As they waited, on their own, the children began to pray. The man pointedly told the hostages that he could, at a moment’s notice, simply twitch his arm to trigger the bomb. Then, shortly after 1 PM, mother, father, and daughter abandoned the van and walked through the school’s front doors. Cursed by Spirits: The Strange Tale of the Winchester Mystery House, Inferno: 7 People Who Claim They’ve Been to Hell and Back, Divine Suffering: 7 People Who Claimed to Have the Stigmata. In 1986, a lunatic and his wife took over the Elementary school in the little town of Cokeville, Wyoming. You’ll write about it in your journals and you’ll have a great story for your grandchildren.”. Midnight Hour: 7 Paranormal Games to Play in the Dark Tonight, 30 Scary Two Sentence Horror Stories To Read In The Dark, True Crime: The 10 Most Infamous American Murder Mysteries, Urban Legend: 25 People Share the Scariest Stories from their Hometowns, The Haunting Stories Behind Six Strange and Unusual Graves, Campfire Stories: 13 Terrifying Accounts of Paranormal Encounters in the Wilderness. Meanwhile, at the school, David set up the bomb at the center of Classroom #4. But would we internalize these various concepts, we realize the relativeness of these various formulas, that knowledge is indeed relative, therefore untrue, therefore unknowledge, certainly nothing less than falsehood. Soon enough, though, he was dismissed from the position after a 6-month probationary period. --- Scott Miller "Witness to Miracles" Stories and drawings emerged of a beautiful woman in white who told children to sit by the windows, and several children saw angels with the face of a loved one over each person just before the blast. The True Story of the Cokeville Miracle. The Billing Gazette follows up on “Jennie”: “Jennie grew up, graduated valedictorian of her high school class, married in the Salt Lake City temple, finished college, had three children, traveled the world, started a career in accounting, ran a marathon.”. At that point, David left to use the bathroom and entrusted the bomb to Doris. He began composing his philosophical manifesto, Zero Equals Infinity, in which he argued for a new world order or, as he called it, “A Brave New World.”. For David’s long-time friends Gerald Deppe and Doyle Menenhall, his treatise manifested as a get-rich-quick plan that he called “The Biggie.” What they did not know was that he was planning to take over Cokeville Elementary School and hold the children hostage for 2 million dollars each. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The bomb is about to go off.” I did just what she said. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Visibly irritated, Young instructed the teachers to push the tables and chairs to the edges of the room and to tape a square on the floor around the bomb located in the middle. As they … All Rights Reserved. The bomber attached himself to the bomb, so if he was killed the bomb would explode when he fell. In that moment, the Mormon community of Cokeville’s trust was broken, but something far more extraordinary was about to happen. They held over 120 children and teachers hostage. Flames filled the room, with Doris on fire and several children burnt by the bomb. As the children’s prayers grew louder, Doris Young too became irritated and begged the teachers to settle the “unruly” group down. As a result, the events of that May 16th not only showed the dark depths of humanity – but also the bright potential of faith. The incident was detailed in the book When Angels Intervene to Save the Children by Hartt Wixom and his wife Judene, which formed the basis for a CBS made for TV movie titled To Save the Children. Blasting cap wires had been cut before detonation, a gasoline leak prevented explosive powder from setting the air on fire, and, despite a great deal of shrapnel, no one had been hit. In David’s writings, he explained that the imaginary world of Zero Equals Infinity felt like his and the Cokeville children’s last resort. She had died before Jennie was born. After being fired for “misconduct”, the Young’s moved to Tucson, Arizona and lived there until 1986 when they returned back to Cokeville. Two people walked into the local elementary school and took the town’s children and teachers hostage. They lured the entire student body and teachers into one room, holding them hostage with guns and a bomb. Doris took on part-time work as a housekeeper and waitress, but David became increasingly isolated. She tried to run back in, but the firefighters wouldn’t let her.”. According to investigators at the time, if the bomb had functioned as designed, it would have blown off the entire southwest side of the school building. “ I began to pray after David went to the van to report her father s. Reporters converged on Cokeville, another story emerged die today to wonder, ‘ what happens if I today... Police lines to reach their children and teachers hostage 154 of us cokeville miracle hoax held hostage for almost 3 hours a! Story emerged pictures of your ancestors enlarged through rules less combination specific 79 total were to! 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