Deletes attachments from a feature. Trying to add Legend (and Layer List eventually) to map for Dynamic Service Layers using Javascript API for ArcGIS. If historicMoment is not specified, the query will apply to the current features. If the add method is used without an index value, the layer is appended to the end of the collection, so it draws last. Properties:Example:// Once the layer loads, check if the// supportsAdd operations is enabled on the layerfeatureLayer.when(function(){ if (featureLayer.capabilities.operations.supportsAdd) { // if new features can be created in the layer // set … A FeatureLayer is a single layer that can be created from a Map Service or Feature Service; ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise portal items; or from an array of client-side features. See the Calculate REST operation document for more information. The possible values are listed below. If false, the server will apply the edits that succeed even if some of the submitted edits fail. The label definition for this layer, specified as an array of LabelClass. An Arcade expression evaluating to a number that determines the z-value of the feature. By default this property is null, which indicates the layer view should draw every feature. At the end of the code in the main function, create a new FeatureLayer and set the url property to the Trailheads (points) feature service. Applications can access and display feature layers that are hosted onArcGIS OnlineorArcGIS Enterprise. All features must be of the same type. Each item includes information about the type, such as the type ID, name, and definition expression. Indicates if the layer supports queries for distinct values based on fields specified in the outFields. To create a FeatureLayer instance from a service, you must set the url property to the REST endpoint of a layer in either a Feature Service or a Map Service. If not set by the developer, it is automatically generated when the layer is loaded. As you can see, the effect is very different from the original layers. The LayerView rendered in the view representing the layer in layer. 50% gray with no saturation in the background layer will not produce any change. Indicates if the layer's query operation supports a buffer distance for input geometries. Describes query operations that can be performed on features in the layer. To do this it inverts colors of the background layer, divides the result by colors of the top layer, then inverts the results. Possible Values:"point"|"multipoint"|"polyline"|"polygon"|"multipatch"|"mesh". In the require statement, add a reference to the FeatureLayer module. The feature containing the attachment to be updated. Indicates whether to display labels for this layer. This value can range between 1 and 0, where 0 is 100 percent transparent and 1 is completely opaque. Blending with white inverts the colors. Additional edit options to specify when editing features or attachments. Indicates if the number of features returned by the query operation can be controlled. Everything else is made transparent. See also AbortController for more information on how to construct a controller that can be used to deliver abort signals. A temporary offset of the time data based on a certain TimeInterval. Called by the views, such as MapView and SceneView, when the layer is added to the Map.layers collection and a layer view must be created for it. layer.screenSizePerspectiveEnabled = true, layer.screenSizePerspectiveEnabled = false. The geometry of each feature all must have a matching geometryType. Feature to which the attachment is to be added. The geometry type of features in the layer. The timeInfo parameters cannot be changed after the layer is loaded. "". A temporary offset of the time data based on a certain TimeInterval. Fires after applyEdits() is completed successfully. The URL of the REST endpoint of the layer, non-spatial table or service. Indicates if the feature service is versioned. The results will include geometries of features and values for all available fields for client-side queries or all fields in the layer for server side queries. The objectId field also must be set either in this array or in the objectIdField property. This parameter applies only if the property of the layer is true. Set this property to include the fields that will be used for client-side queries if the fields are not part of required fields used for rendering. A value of 0 means the layer does not have a maximum scale. This method automatically executes for a View and all of the resources it references in Map if the view is constructed with a map instance. If you or other editors add features to the layer that are outside the initial extent of the layer, the spatial index becomes outdated and you may need to rebuild it. NOTE: The hosted feature layers do not have styles or pop-ups defined for them on the server-side, so feature layers use default symbols to draw them in the map. // set the outFields for the layer coming from webmap, // While this example uses FeatureLayer, this same pattern can be. The feature to which the Domain is assigned. As a service editor, ArcGIS Pro supports a wide range of geodatabase datasets and capabilities from supported databases. Each mode can create a variety of results depending on the colors of top and background layers being blended together. The layer is visible in the table of contents. This property must be set when creating a FeatureLayer from client-side features. Attachments are not supported in an edit payload when globalIdUsed is false. For example, you can use difference or exclusion blend modes on two imagery layers of forest covers to visualize how forest covers changed from one year to another. I want to add test feature on my ArcGIS map using feature layer. // the layer will be refreshed every 6 seconds. It's an object with key-value pairs where value is a string. If it is rejected, true will be returned. The Error object returned if an error occurred while loading. Destination/background layer is drawn only where it overlaps with the top layer. In order for an attachment to be updated or deleted, clients must include its globalId. The geodatabase version to apply the edits. If true, the server will apply the edits only if all edits succeed. Features to be added to a feature layer should include the geometry. Use the supportsM property in the FeatureLayer's object to verify if M values are supported on feature service features. Each object in the array describes the layer's relationship with another layer or table. While this default behavior is perfectly acceptable, the use of blend modes on layers open up a world of endless possibilities to generate creative maps. Web feature layers (also known as feature services) are layers that are shared to support displaying, querying, and editing data on the web. This is applicable if the layer containing the feature has a typeIdField. Takes the mathematical average of top and background layers. Records to be added to a table should not include the geometry. Indicates if anonymous users can update features created by others. isRejected() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is rejected. Programatically add feature to Feature Layer with ArcGIS JavaScript API. The structure of each feature in the array is the same as the structure of the json feature object returned by the ArcGIS REST API. Date fields must have numeric values representing universal time. If client-side features are added, removed or updated at runtime using applyEdits() then use queryFeatures() to return updated features. Applies only when the options.globalIdUsed parameter is set to true. This parameter applies only if the layer's capabilities.editing.supportsGlobalId property is true. Indicates if the attachments can be queried by their keywords. See the table below for a list of possible values. If the map is zoomed in beyond this scale, the layer will not be visible. Applies only when the options.globalIdUsed parameter is set to true. If the edit failed, the edit result includes an error. See the properties for a list of all the properties that may be passed into the constructor. A FeatureSet contains an array of Graphic features. The effect is similar to shining a harsh spotlight on the top layer. If false, queryAttachments() method can only return attachments for one feature at a time. It will return an error if the layer's property is false. Date fields must have numeric values representing universal time. If you already have a Sublayer instance, you can call the createFeatureLayer() method on the Sublayer to construct the layer for you. Indicates whether the layer will be included in the legend. A feature collection is a type of feature layer. When you add individual graphic elements to a graphics layer, they remain positioned relative to other data if the map scale or coordinate system changes. File input name must be "attachment", // Select a file: , // For enterprise services - add input with name:f and value:json. Learn more about working with feature layers in the Import data and Explore layer data tutorials. The file needs to include at least one pair of coordinate fields as these fields are used to locate the features on the map. Can be thought of as the opposite of, Creates an effect with the hue and saturation of the top layer and the luminosity of the background layer. A event type, or an array of event types, to listen for. // Add an attachment to the clicked feature. Requires an ArcGIS Server service 10.6.1 or greater. See the ElevationInfo sample for an example of how this property may be used. When resolved, returns the extent and count of the features that satisfy the input query. This blending mode is useful for aligning layers with similar content. The portal item from which the layer is loaded. An array of field names from the service to include with each feature. Depending on the renderer type, features may be visualized with the same symbol, or with varying symbols based on the values of provided attribute fields or functions. Likewise, multiple label classes may be used to label different types of features (for example blue labels for lakes and green labels for parks). This z-value is determined by the geometry's z-value (if present). By default, the very bottom layer in a map is drawn on a transparent background. Feature collections. See the object specification table below for details. Map layers in the layers collection are drawn in the order they are added (first layer to the last layer in collection). This operation is only supported in ArcGIS Online hosted feature services. Describes what attachment capabilities are enabled on the layer. Beispiele: Beispiele: Sie können auf Attributinformationen für Feature-Layer zugreifen, indem Sie die Attributtabelle des Layers öffnen , mit dem Werkzeug "Identifizieren" auf ein Feature … Emphasizes the darkest parts of overlapping layers by multiplying colors of the top layer and the background layer. // a default simple renderer will be applied if not set. When creating the layer from a url, the spatial reference is read from the service. 10.2, 10.3, 10.41, etc. Feature geometries and/or attributes may be modified. Source/top layer is drawn where it doesn't overlap the background layer. Executes a Query against the feature service and returns an array of Object IDs for features that satisfy the input query. Creating a FeatureLayer with client-side graphics requires … When an array of objects is used, each object must have a valid value set for objectId or globalId property. It doesn't apply to z-values. Defines how the feature is placed with respect to the terrain surface or 3D objects in the scene. capabilities Objectreadonly 1. Creates query parameter object that can be used to fetch features that satisfy the layer's configurations such as definitionExpression, gdbVersion, and historicMoment. Wenn Sie im Dialogfeld "Zusammenführen" auf einen Eintrag klicken, blinkt das entsprechende Feature in … The following sections include common tasks for working with feature layers from the web in ArcGIS Pro. Requires an ArcGIS Server service 10.3 or greater. This powerful capability allows you to apply css filter-like functions to layers to create custom visual effects to enhance the cartographic quality of your maps. To query for the count of features/graphics available to or visible in the View on the client rather than making a server-side query, you must use the FeatureLayerView.queryFeatureCount() method. Layer stellen eine der primären Methoden dar, in ArcGIS mit geographischen Daten zu arbeiten. The version of the geodatabase of the feature service data. Each feature must have valid objectId. Returns true if the layer is loaded from a non-spatial table in a service. Destination/background layer is drawn where it doesn't overlap the top layer. ", // set the timeExtent on the layer and useViewTime false, // In this case, the layer will honor its timeExtent and ignore, "", // timeExtent is set on the layer and the view, // In this case, the layer will display features that fall, // within the intersection of view and layer time extents, // features within Jan 1, 1976 - Jan 1, 1981 will be displayed, // create geojson layer from usgs earthquakes geojson feed, "", // timeInfo can be used to do temporal queries, // timeExtent is automatically calculated from the. Refresh interval of the layer in minutes. Automatic popup templates are supported for layers that support the createPopupTemplate method. // Prints the version number to the console - e.g. This property is read-only when the layer is created from a url. Run the app again and click on trail features. At 10.3.1, it is available for hosted and non-hosted feature services. Für Feature-Layer können Daten aus jeder Quelle verwendet werden, die Punkt-, Polylinien-, Polygon-, Multipoint- oder Multipatch-Vektor-Feature-Daten liefert. The feature layer contains 2007 county crops data. See the PopupTemplate sample for an example of how PopupTemplate interacts with a FeatureLayer. Result of, Compares top and background layers and retains the lighter color in the top layer. Indicates the last time the layer was edited. // Offset a CSV Layer containing hurricanes from 2015 so that they appear in 2019 (+4 years). The object's resources are currently loading. See the object specification table below for the required properties of this object. Indicates if new features can be added to the layer. The name of the field holding the type ID or subtypes for the features. The label definition for this layer, specified as an array of LabelClass. Each link will display the layer type, geometry type, extent, drawing information, fields and more. For example, you can use multiply blend mode on a topographic map displayed over hillshade when you want to have your elevation show through the topographic layer. Each field represents an attribute that may contain a value for each feature in the layer. Returns true if the layer is loaded from a non-spatial table in a service. Indicates if the layer is visible in the View. Once applyEdits() resolves successfully, use queryFeatures() to return updated features. When true, indicates that M values will be returned. A list of custom parameters appended to the URL of all resources fetched by ArcGIS layer types. When blending layers, a top layer is a layer that has a blend mode applied. The name of the field that stores the date and time the feature was last edited. If you're using the standard ArcGIS for Power BI visualization that comes with Power BI, you'll only see publicly shared feature service layers when you add a reference layer. See the Labeling guide page for more information and known limitations. The query methods in the FeatureLayer class query features directly from the service. Indicates if the query operation supports disjoint spatial relationship. Indicates if the layer's query response contains geometry attributes, including shape area and length attributes. Client-side features may also be used to create a FeatureLayer. In the following screenshots, the vintage shaded relief layer is displayed over a firefly world imagery layer. // table must be loaded so it can be used in the app. Indicates if the attachments can be queried by their content types. A feature layer references a hosted feature service and provides an easy way to add data to a map. Indicates if the query operation supports using standardized queries. Features in a FeatureLayer are visualized by setting a Renderer to the renderer property of the layer. When the layer's useViewTime is false, the layer instructs the view to show data from the layer based on this time extent. Everything else is made transparent. // for client-side filtering and querying. title, description, fieldConfigs, etc, set directly within the FeatureForm take precedence over any similar properties set within the formTemplate. The layer view determines whether to include z-values in feature queries when the property value is undefined. Indicates if the layer's query response includes the number of features or records related to features in the layer. 2. Check out multiple blending and groupLayer blending samples to see composite blend modes in action. When loading a layer by service url, the title is derived from the service name. A convenient property that can be used to make case-insensitive lookups for a field by name. Destination/background layer covers the top layer. See ArcGIS Pro subtypes document. Updates an existing attachment for a feature. The subsequent calls return the same promise. Unlike the method of using transparency which can result in a washed-out top layer, blend modes can create a variety of very vibrant and intriguing results by blending a layer with the layer(s) below it. This value gets updated every time the layer's data is edited or when any of its properties change. It's possible to provide a signal to stop being interested into a Loadable instance load status. Describes characteristics of the data in the layer. Intensifies the dark areas in all layers. lines or polygons), the elevation is evaluated separately for each point. If the map is zoomed out beyond this scale, the layer will not be visible. Executes a Query against the feature service and returns a FeatureSet, which can be accessed using the .then() method once the promise resolves. Specifies relationship parameters for querying related features or records from a layer or a table. The plus, lighten and screen modes can be used to brighten layers that have faded or dark colors on a dark background. Definition expressions may be set when a layer is constructed prior to it loading in the view or after it has been added to the map. For example, 'image/jpeg'. An array of feature templates defined in the feature layer. Creates an effect with the saturation of the top layer and the hue and luminosity of the background layer. Source/top layer is drawn only where it overlaps the background layer. Returns the Field instance for a field name (case-insensitive). At 10.3, this option is only available for hosted feature services. You can use graphics layers to visualize a map without creating features. The name of an oidfield containing a unique value or identifier for each feature in the layer. Explore the capabilities of the feature layer that directly connects to your data. With this technique, you create a brand new looking map. Add the Trails (lines) and Parks and Open Spaces (polygons) feature layers to the map. When mode = "on-the-ground", this property has no effect. If the geometry has z-values, they will be ignored and featureExpressionInfo will be used to calculate the vertical position of the feature. Blend modes are used to blend layers together to create an interesting effect in a layer, or even to produce what seems like a new layer. Each layer can contain an unlimited number of features. Learn more about working with layers in the Filter a feature layer, Query a feature layer, Style feature layers, and Configure pop-ups tutorials. Example: The service has a horizontal spatial reference with feet units, and applyEdits() is called with z-values based on meter units, then the method will automatically convert the z values from meter to feet units. You can also call the highlight() method on the FeatureLayerView to highlight features in other workflows, such as for displaying query/selection results and highlighting features on pointer-move events. This operation is available only if the layer's is set to true. The following blend modes create darker results than all layers. The object's resources failed to load. If no layerId is given, then the first layer in the service will be loaded. Signal object that can be used to abort the asynchronous task. // points to the non-spatial table in a service storing San Francisco crime incidents. Open the JavaScript Starter App on CodePen. To create dynamic layers from other sources in registered workspaces such as tables and table joins, see DynamicDataLayer. The left image shows when the buffer graphics layer has the normal blend mode. When false, the layer may still be added to a Map instance that is referenced in a view, but its features will not be visible in the view. This is valid only for hosted feature services. The right image shows when the overlay blend mode is applied to the buffer graphics layer. Specifies the attributes and spatial filter of the query. An array or a collection of features to be updated. If no parameters are specified, the total number of features satisfying the layer's configuration/filters is returned. When resolved, returns an the number of features satisfying the query. The function to call when the event is fired. Executes a RelationshipQuery against the feature service and returns FeatureSets grouped by source layer or table objectIds. Specifies how features are placed on the vertical axis (z). Executes a Query against the feature service and returns the Extent of features that satisfy the query. The contrast blend modes will lighten the colors lighter than 50% gray ([128,128,128]), and darken the colors darker than 50% gray. // The form is defined as below in the html. TimeInfo provides information such as date fields that store start and end time for each feature and the fullTimeExtent for the layer. You can change the. The name of the class. Thanks in advance. When updating existing features, if the globalIdUsed is false, the objectIds of the features to be updated must be provided. Since the FeatureLayer requires a schema, several properties need to be set when creating a layer from an array of features. The data of the top layer block the data of background layer where they overlap. Indicates if the attachment queries support exifInfo. You can also add a polygon layer with a white fill symbol over a dark imagery layer and apply soft-light blend mode to increase the brightness in the imagery layer. The view that failed to create a layerview for the layer emitting this event. Indicates if the attachments can be queried by their names. You can define additional filters on the layer in addition to the service definition expression by setting layer's definitionExpression. A hosted feature layer contains features (records) with a geometry and a set of attributes. Called by the views, such as MapView and SceneView, when the layer is added to the Map.layers collection and a layer view must be created for it. // UniqueValueRenderer based on `type` attribute, // returns all the graphics from the layer view, // wait for the layer view to finish updating, // prints all the client-side features to the console, // Queries for all the features in the service (not the graphics in the view), // prints an array of all the features in the service to the console, // Create featurelayer from feature service, "", // Create featurelayer from client-side graphics, Any properties can be set, retrieved or listened to. Essentially I'm trying to merge the The object's resources have loaded without errors. New features can be created and existing features can be updated or deleted. Indicates how the layer should display in the LayerList widget. 4,873 6 6 gold badges 34 34 silver badges 40 40 bronze badges. See. The top layer is drawn underneath the destination layer. You'll see the top layer peek through wherever the background layer is transparent or has no data. When false, indicates that z-values will never be returned. If working with spatial layers, the geometry type of the features must be indicated (since only one geometry type is allowed per layer) using the geometryType property along with a valid spatial reference. If no parameters are specified, then all features satisfying the layer's configuration/filters are returned. An array of field names from the service to include with each feature. Indicates if the query operation supports quantization designed to be used in edit mode (highest resolution at the given spatial reference). // Print out all returned attachment infos to the console. The globalId of the attachment to be added or updated. Black pixels in the background layer are ignored as if they were transparent. Fetches custom attribution data for the layer when it becomes available. The following blend modes either invert or cancel out colors depending on colors of the background layer. Requires ArcGIS Server service 10.3 or greater. Therefore the features visible in a view are accessed via the LayerView, not the FeatureLayer. For example, a field named POP_2015, stores information about total population as a numeric value for each feature; this value represents the total number of people living within the geographic bounds of the feature. Executes a Query against the feature service and returns a FeatureSet, which can be accessed using the .then() method once the promise resolves. The name of the layer's primary display field. // used for other layers that may be loaded from portalItem ids. Setting a definition expression is useful when the dataset is large and you don't want to bring all features to the client for analysis. Indicates whether to display the Attachments field in the table. All overlapping midrange colors are lightened in the top layer. The following factors will affect the blend result: The following blend modes create lighter results than all layers. Any color that is darker than pure white is going to darken a top layer to varying degrees all the way to pure black. The SQL where clause used to filter features on the client. Legend ArcGIS Javascript does not recognize Legend from ArcGIS for server 10.2.2. The unique ID assigned to the layer. The number of features that satisfy the input query. Sample - Point clustering with visual variables. isResolved() may be used to verify if creating an instance of the class is resolved. The following screenshots show an effect of the overlay blend mode on a GraphicsLayer. It's important to keep the module references and function parameters in the same order. To obtain feature geometries at full resolution, use the queryFeatures() method on the FeatureLayer. Values of non nullable fields must be provided when updating features. Apply perspective scaling to screen-size point symbols in a SceneView. Indicates if the layer supports the having clause on the service. The layer ID, or layer index, of a Feature Service layer. An array of successfully deleted attachments. Overview. Indicates whether the client-side features in the layer have M (measurement) values. An array of successfully updated attachments. When the signal is aborted, the instance does not stop its loading process, only cancelLoad can abort it. This property may be used to set the extent of the view to match a layer's extent so that its features appear to fill the view.