Discover (and save!) Once you disentangle all the roots you will be surprised at the actual amount of aloe you really have. Now, back to the aloe vera plants. When we first moved into our house a few years ago, my mom gave us an aloe vera plant. Aloe vera needs bright, natural light to grow and thrive. It was just sort of laying on top of it. Though they may be one of the easiest … Gently take out all the soil. Take your scissors and cut across the stalk in these places. What’s the best solution here? Prepare the wider new pot for your aloe. Leave a hole in the new soil that is about the size of your aloe’s root ball. Go through your pile and collect any healthy, juicy looking aloe leaves. Water your aloe and place back in its sunny window. Although it has low fertilizer needs, it should be replanted at least once a year to keep it healthy. Watering Aloe Vera Watering is the most difficult part of keeping aloe vera healthy, but it’s certainly not rocket science! If so, you can Like me on Facebook by clicking, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({. I turn my pot on its side, tap it gently all around, and carefully remove the whole mass from the pot. They are both an interesting feast for the eyes and useful. Shorter stem segments root best, so cut the stem to between 2 and 4 inches long. If you can't find rooting hormone to buy locally, you can purchase it on Amazon by clicking. With your hand shovel, work-up the soil in your pot. The suitable time to repot an Aloe Vera plant is when it becomes too leggy. If it is not, lightly but firmly run your trowel around the outside, loosening the entire block of soil your aloe is occupying. I love aloe vera plants. I'm not too sure about the science behind rubbing a sunburn with aloe vera, but I do know that it sure makes it feel better, and that's reason enough for me to always keep this plant in our house. Transplanting aloe vera is often a good idea. Aloe vera is so very hardy, it's easy to repot it. To do this, fill it with either cactus soil mix or a mixture of potting soil, sand and perlite or vermiculite. Bring them inside. Now, we need to create some roots. You don’t have to do this, but it will insure a higher... 3. With your hand shovel, work-up the soil in your pot. google_ad_client: "ca-pub-1748201495229151". The quality of soil is also an important factor to consider before repotting. - Rooting Hormone (optional, but recommended). You want to loosen the soil and the root ball in the pot, but you want to try to avoid nicking or cutting your aloe’s roots. May 2017 in Plants. Propagating your aloe when suckers appear is a great way to reduce the width of your aloe, increase its energy and get extra aloe plants, either to keep or give away as gifts! This site uses cookies. Aloe also works nicely as a natural hair-styling gel. The suitable time to repot an Aloe Vera plant is when it becomes too leggy. Or should I just stake it? If your main aloe plant is starting to look leggy and droopy and is surrounded by smaller pups, it’s definitely time to transplant. You don't want to compact the soil too much. Package them up in a sandwich bag and store them in the freezer to use on future sunburns! These succulents do well outdoors in rockeries and flowerbeds, and they also make fantastic indoor plants as well.. To continue browsing you are agreeing to our use of cookies. If you are creating your own mix, use 50 percent potting soil, 25 percent sand, and 25 percent perlite or vermiculite and mix thoroughly. They root deep so don’t use a shallow pot, … You want to loosen the soil and the root ball in the pot, but you want to try to avoid nicking or cutting your aloe’s roots. in culinary arts, as well as a B.A. It is common for aloe plants to grow wide, or “leggy,” as they get older. We're all done. Aloe also works nicely as a natural hair-styling gel. Travel theme. You’ll need to repot your aloe vera plant if it becomes root bound, leggy, or too big for its current container. The aloe vera has a lengthy history of use in folk medicine, due to its potent anti-inflammatory properties.The juice and flesh of the leaves serve well as a topical anesthetic and cooling gel. Lay your aloe vera plant (s) aside in a safe place. Its nickname is medicine and burn plant, due to its sap’s healing qualities. It is also necessary to repot plants periodically. The rooting hormone will help the new plants grow new roots faster. Well, yesterday my husband had a sunburn. Slightly deeper is also OK. Plant the aloe in the hole and completely cover the root ball with soil. Water aloe vera plants deeply, but infrequently. That means, that splitting your aloe vera plant should be quite easy. You don't want to compact the soil too much. Gently lift your aloe vera plants out of the soil. If you can, buy a bag of cactus potting mix for planting and repotting an Aloe vera indoors, its the best soil to use (ignore what I am using – I am in Thailand and these will grow outdoors). Should I cut the stalk down a bit (knowing that it will take some time for the roots to return)? Aloe plants are native to Africa but are popular all over the world. I have a healthy aloe plant whose stalk is getting so long that it’s beginning to bend over. If your soil looks unhealthy, use fresh potting soil instead. I hope this tutorial gives you the inspiration to prune your own aloe vera plant! You can also try the gel in smoothies, as it is a natural and healthy breath freshener. The roots might get messed up or the plant may require more space. Repotting Aloe Vera They’re succulents so use a fast-draining mix. I just kept winding its leggy stalk around the pot. I fill a pot with soil up to about a centimetre from the top of the pot. Learn which plants thrive in your Hardiness Zone with our new interactive map! Your Aloe Vera isn’t getting enough light. I highly recommend it. These are smaller offshoots of the mother plant that are still attached to the main root system but can live on their own as full plants. The succulent grows up to 2 feet in height. #aloe #repotting #aloeveraIn this video I will show you how to repot or transplant your over grown Aloe Vera pups. Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) is an African native that belongs to the same family as lilies. Besides their ornamental uses, they are valued for medicinal and culinary uses as well. I chose to work outside, as working with plants can get messy. Using your aloe's larger leaves can help to control its natural tendency toward legginess. Things You Will Need Unpot Your Aloe Vera Remove your aloe vera plant from its too-small pot. My friend has an Aloe Vera he was given a few years ago, it now needs repotting , but we are not sure what compost to use? Plan the perfect garden with our interactive tool →, The Garden Helper: How to Grow and Care for Aloe. 4 Pot the aloe so that the leaves stand above the soil. With your finger, poke as many holes in your soil as you have plants. Do you enjoy my tutorials? I ran over to my trusty aloe vera and stared down at its sad state of being. Press the soil into the pot firmly but gently. Now, stand back and admire your new aloe vera plants! Powered by. Monitoring Water Check the soil. Squeeze the sides of the pot your aloe is currently in, if it is flexible. Examine the Shoots Examine your aloe vera plant to see where small new shoots, called … pruning leggy aloe vera. Repotting Our Aloe Plant Repotting our aloe plant is actually a fairly simple process. It produces a 3-foot flower stalk filled with yellow, tubular flowers. Mine wasn't even really connected to the soil. Give your plant a drink of water, but do not overwater. It … Amrita Chuasiriporn is a professional cook, baker and writer who has written for several online publications, including Chef's Blade, CraftyCrafty and others. Wash and dry them carefully. Botany's answer for dry, sunburned or irritated skin, medicinal aloe (Aloe vera, formerly Aloe barbadensis) is the best known of the more than 400 Aloe species (Aloe spp. Aloe vera plants require repotting once every year or two. ... An aloe that is kept in very low light tends to often grow leggy. Well, there you have it, folks. The new babies (called pups) grow up from the soil beside the original aloe vera plant. The good news is, it’s a simple process. Try picking a larger leaf and squeezing some of the aloe gel on a sunburn next time someone in your family has one. Here’s how: Choose a pot that’s one size bigger. Those that are top heavy, leaning over, and have several pups, are all good candidates for re-potting. Lay the parent plant, along with all the pups, in a cool, dry, place out of direct sunlight. Leave them there for between 1-6 days before you re-plant them. Aloe is a great houseplant because it is so easy to grow and is very forgiving. You can … Here's one more picture of the aloe plant, returned back to its home beside my kitty cat draft chaser. nto your rooting hormone, if you have some. I had an aloe vera plant that had outgrown the pot it was in. Choose your workspace. If you do so, you will run the risk of shocking your sleeping plant. To do this, fill it with either cactus soil mix or a mixture of potting soil, sand and perlite or vermiculite. Your aloe will grow big with good light and not too much water. Aloe vera can be grown outdoors in USDA Zones 9 or higher, but it is more likely to be grown in moveable containers or as a houseplant. Like all succulents, aloe vera’s wounds need to dry and callus over before you pot it up. The first thing to repot your Aloe Vera plant is to remove the plant from its container and expose the soil. Register a new .COM for just $9.99 for the first year and get everything you need to make your mark online — website builder, hosting, email, and more. Suckers, sometimes referred to as “pups,” are offshoots of the mother aloe plant that can be removed and repotted to create a brand new plant. HOW TO PLANT OR REPOT AN ALOE VERA PLANT. The aloe is a succulent plant that’s accustomed to arid environments, but its thick leaves still need sufficient water nonetheless. I had since neglected the plant and only paid attention to it when I needed to steal one of its leaves. Lay your aloe vera plant(s) aside in a safe place. There are over 300 varieties of the aloe plant; some varieties grow short stubby leaves while others can grow over 15 feet tall. Hi All, back again for more advice please? This will expose some roots or root nubs (small brown protrusions which kind of look like small claws), which will later become roots. Detailed Aloe Repotting Instructions 1. If your soil looks unhealthy, use fresh potting soil instead. Aloes don't like too much water. Yours will eventually come back from their burn, just be patient! Either way, if a leaf breaks, it may be possible to utilize these steps and grow another aloe plant. In this video I show you how to divide and re-pot an overgrown aloe vera plant. Do not attempt to transplant it during its dormant period. your own Pins on Pinterest Repotting Aloe Vera. Jun 12, 2018 - Get your own corner of the Web for less! Treat the roots of the Aloe plant with some root stimulant. Prepare the wider new pot for your aloe. All Rights Reserved. Wait until the aloe vera’s roots fill the planter pot before repotting it. Use a free draining cactus mix, and a free draining pot. Additionally, Chuasiriporn is a regular contributor to online automotive enthusiast publication Repotting an aloe is also important if it’s starting to develop pups. The aloe plant can become root bound, so the best time to repot your aloe is when the plant becomes top-heavy, meaning that the … Then I gently start separating the pieces of aloe from each other. Insert one plant, in each hole and firm the soil around it. If you are creating your own mix, use 50 percent potting soil, 25 percent sand, and 25 percent perlite or vermiculite and mix thoroughly. If you can, dig the trowel underneath the root ball. Some aloe vera plants need to be repotted when their leaves begin to droop or appear leggy. But, you need to be careful with it and no jar it in any way. as i have never had one & he hasn'tmuch gardening experience, I thought i could use Ericasious? The rest of aloe scraps that are not useful can be placed into your compost bin! Because they are succulents, they also need slightly sandy soil with good drainage. Keeping these things and their dormant period in mind should be all it takes to make your leggy aloe happy in its new pot. Water aloe vera plants deeply, but infrequently. Aloe vera does best in temperatures between 13 and 27°C. Now, your plants are all ready to go, we just need to plant them. Again, refer to the video to see the recipe I used. Try picking a larger leaf and squeezing some of the aloe gel on a sunburn next time someone in your family has one. I made 4 cuts in total, turning one long plant into 5 shorter plants. Jan 25, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by Norma Dennis. Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. Look at this huge pile of aloe trimmings. It was actually a lot longer than I thought it was. Using your aloe’s larger leaves can help to control its natural tendency toward legginess. Now, back to the aloe vera plants. Gently pull off the bottom 2 leaves from each new plant. You can also try the gel in smoothies, as it is a natural and healthy breath freshener. in Spanish language and literature. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Copyright © 2016 Keen Koala - All Rights Reserved. To begin, look along the length of the entire plant, do you see stalky portions with no leaves? Squeeze the sides of the pot your aloe is currently in, if it is flexible. You can tell if your Aloe vera plant needs to be watered by pressing … Line up your 5 plants and remove any dead, dry, rotting, or mushy foliage with your scissors and any areas of dry, dead stalk. Aloe plants are native to Africa but are popular all over the world. I made a silent promise to the plant as I plucked one of its leaves, that tomorrow, I would prune it. Because of this, it is important to choose wide pots whenever you need to replant them. Be careful when handling your aloe. Although it’s hard to kill one of these plants, if your aloe is drooping, something isn’t right. Transplant your aloe only when it is actively growing, such as in the spring. Aloe vera plants are an excellent choice for an addition to your garden. But wait, don't leave yet, there's more! Separating the new shoots from the main plant and repotting them is the best way to make sure your aloe continues to thrive. I thought I would make this into a tutorial as aloe vera plants are kind of unusual and how to prune them is not as immediately obvious as many other common household plants. You can be rough with your plant. Although fresh aloe stems will likely root, they will perform better if processed before potting. Some varieties can have sharp tips to their leaves or other rough or sharp parts along their blades. To repot in a larger pot so I can plant it lower? The temperatures of most homes and apartments are ideal. How to repot an Aloe Vera. You can repot the pups in separate containers (don't worry, it should produce more). It’s not the end of the world if a leaf breaks... 2. connie77 Posts: 121. Place it back into the container (you can either use a new or the same old container). He was pouring concrete in the hot sun all day. Chuasiriporn holds an A.A.S. Press the soil into the pot firmly but gently. I think the best method of action starts with repotting the aloe. Next cut the roots you see coming out of the base as you remove the soil. Repotting also solves the problem of accumulating mineral salts. Just look at that long string of aloe vera. Sounds like your plant died back to the roots, and is now growing again. Pull your Aloe plant out of its pot. Because of this, it is important to choose wide pots whenever you need to replant them. If you can't work outside, line a hard surface floor with newspapers before proceeding. 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